Think about a password
“G-A-M-E” you typed. A red screen flashed on the display; you jumped at a response, and then tried typing another password in “F-U-R-R-Y” You said aloud as your fingertips stomped hard onto the tiny little keys. Once again “WRONG” showed up.
To your surprise, a timer began to countdown, and anxiety clutched your stomach like cold hands as the number began to decrease. The clock was ticking, and you felt the need to rush even faster to figure out the password; it almost felt like a Bond film as the sweat dripped down your tongue, and your senses began to pick up every tiny sound and scent surrounding you. You were afraid.
“T-R-A-N-S-F-O-R-M” you typed. “WRONG” It yelled. “W-I-Z-A-R-D” you frantically continued. “WRONG” yet again. “J-O-B-S” only to get the same response. This time, the number halved, and it appeared as if you only had ten seconds left.
Written by Driftingdragon on 16 November 2020