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An idea came up as you stood up on your hind paws. Lowering your voice to a whisper, you said, “Meet me behind the cafeteria building later. I want to talk to you. One on one.” Your tail wagged with how much more feminine your voice was compared to the past.


The others began to laugh with Lucas giving a confused look. He definitely had heard what you said. You began to leave, giving him a wink on the way out. He quickly shook his head before rejoining his group.


A gust of cold wind ruffled against your fur, you started to think about your next plan. As you stare down at the snowy field, you figured it was perfect for some experimentation. You could still hear the group laughing at Lucas for getting rejected, their obnoxious voice stinging your ears.


You climbed down the stairs with ease, remembering the fundamentals of magic. Essentially, you could view magic like a type of circuit. Using your fingers to trace out your mana, you will become the power source, before its effect would come through. The problem was how precise you had to be for certain effects. If you gave too much mana, the circuit would combust, dealing recoil damage to you.


Once you landed on the snow, you started to draw a circle against the wall. Another tricky problem was you need to have a sensing of how much mana to give out. According to the books, one would naturally ‘feel’ it in place. Obviously a small fire blast would need less mana than a hurricane spell. But the specifics would need to be tested from the user. Which wasn’t useful for you.


You started to trace out the magic circle on the ground with a stick. Your paws somehow adjusted to the cold. Quicker than any regular humans. From the diary, you knew how Alice was incapable of casting any spells at all. She could detect the mana from her large mana ocean but she couldn’t use it at all.


Yet that wasn’t true. She did cast a spell, her final one before you arrived. So what made that spell different from any regular spells? Maybe the usage of blood? But with more of her cells on the circle, she would be using even more mana.


“Hey, I arrived,” Lucas tapped on your shoulders, “Why did you want to meet me? Don’t tell me you’re interested in me…”


You turned around, inspecting from head to tail. Maybe it was your female body acting up, but he didn’t look that bad at all. Of course, you knew better than to fall for sheer looks. With your tail swaying aside, you replied, “Oh nothing, I just want to be friends.”


He took a step back, shocked, “Damn, I thought you hated us?”


“That depends,” You shrugged forward, “Why would I hate on someone who has done nothing wrong? Besides, shouldn’t us beastkin stick together?”


“You have a point. So what are you doing here? Out in the cold?”


“Just want to cast some spells. I’m sure everyone knows how ‘amazing’ I am at casting spells.”


He cleared his throat, “Don’t worry, I’m also awful at it. Too much mana coming out of our tails after all.”


“Why don’t you show me an example?”


Grabbing your stick, he started to trace it within the snow. He drew a simple circle with a dot, resembling the sun from your world’s alchemy. There, he closed his eyes, focussing on the circle. A white light shot out of the paws before circling around the magic circle. There in the middle, an orb of light floated up.

Written by lim2357 on 31 December 2024

Both Casting

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