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Casting emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You clapped for him. This was your first time seeing magic in action, “Nice one. Was it hard?”


“Took me three months to master the light spell. Thanks for the compliment,” He said plainly while his tail wagged excitedly. Must have been a while since someone treated him decently.


The orb soon disappeared while he sighed out, “Man, if only this spell could last longer. Then at least I could pass the practical exam.”


“There’s a practical exam?” You asked, raising one of your eyebrows.


He nodded, “Coming next week. Apparently, if you fail three times in a row, you are automatically expelled from the university.”


Your mind went blank as you remembered the two mentionings of failing the practical examination in her diary. Ah, why did Alice have to fail them? And it’s next week?


“Could you guide me on the process?” You blushed a little.


Lucas chuckled, “Sure thing, Alice.”


He passed you the stick, while holding onto your hand. You gulped as you came into contact with his warm silver fur. You pushed away your lewd thoughts, following his instructions. In your mind, you felt like there was a missing puzzle piece to this problem.


As you followed his instructions to a tee, you tried to push out a small amount of mana but instead it overflowed, stinging you in the process. But it wasn’t all in vain as you connected the dots.


“Yeah, that happened a lot to me in the pa- Wait, what are you doing?” You quickly drew out the circle multiple times, one inside the other. With the dot dead in the middle, you casted the spell again. This time, your mana flowed like water with their energy sprinting through the circles. As you panted with excitement, a basketball-sized orb shined brightly to the two of you, hovering before the ground.


Lucas quickly grabbed against your hand, “Wait, that’s amazing Alice! How did you do that?” Your heart pounded as you looked at his earnest expression. Even as he was much taller and stronger than you, at that moment, he looked so cute.


“Oh sorry there,” He let go of your hands, blushing a little. You flashed a smirk before grabbing onto his hands.


“Why don’t I show you now?” You traced out the same small circle, pointing at it with the stick, “As you mentioned it is hard for us to cast this spell since it uses up so little mana. So instead of constricting ourselves with such a circle-”


“We can instead layer it multiple times to produce a bigger effect!”


You nodded your head. Honestly, this reminded you of coding in your past life. You were working in IT after all so all these concepts came to live once arriving here. Essentially, you’re viewing every circuit like a function with your mana as the input and the expected results as the output.

Written by lim2357 on 01 January 2025

Both Exams

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