he other canine around him were much smaller. You suspected they were his children.Two of the tiny cubs were yipping at each other and fighting over the body, or what's left of one, of what looked like a squirrel. The kits both had part of the squirrel's body in their mouths. They each tried to pull it away from the other. Their heads twisted around awkwardly and banged together violently in the struggle.
There appeared to be what looked like small pieces of broken bones in a pile of bits of red in the grass below them. The other two pups, who were slightly bigger, were playing together. The pups were standing on their hind legs and pushing against each other's chests with their forelegs. One of them fell over and ran away from the other who was chasing him and tried to nip at his tail. Other pups around were also chasing each other while some were trying to chase mice as other adult kitsune simply watched.
Through the rustling of a bush came a slim vixen. She strolled through the cleaning with a plump bird hanging from her mouth. Some of the kits rushed over to her excitedly. One kit was whining and rubbing against the vixen while the other two were low to the ground. They were waging their tails in the air and making a sort of keking sound.
The vixen dropped the bird and nudged it towards the three pups who swarmed the carcass and started tugging it in the three different direction. The vixen walked over to the *tod with her long tail swishing behind her. She brushed against the kitsune and he nipped her neck playfully in response. You watch as yet another cub comes out from the bush behind the vixen.
He was bigger than all the other kits and appeared to have hunted his own food. He ha this snout aimed upward and strutted around with a dead rabbit swinging limply from his mouth. He lied down in between tow of the adult kitsune and started ripping the hare apart as the adults groomed him.
Written by Vixerlen on 15 January 2018