Your head snaps to the side and you bash your head against a bulky rock. Ignoring the pain that's coursing through your snout, your eyes dart around wildly for what had just been so close to you.
Despite not blinking, or breathing for that matter, you can't seem to find a trace of what had made the noise. You decide that whatever had been there was gone now. You still remain stiff and unmoving, but feel less tense.
You realize then that that the rock near you smelled... odd. You couldn't really understand it, but you felt like it was a bad sign. Feeling anxious again you look towards where the chomping noises had died down. Now all you could hear was some high pitched growling. Swallowing your fear you edge forward until you can clearly see the strange things ahead of you.
There, in the now unobstructed small clearing, were other fox. One was larger than the rest and sat eerily still, as if he was surveying the other fox and the woods around them. The fur around his mouth was matted and looked brown. Dried blood, possibly? Perhaps he had finished eating? You thought. You were starting to feel anxious again.
Written by Vixerlen on 10 January 2018