You nod.
"Ok. Well first thing to do is to study the object you wish to modify. In this case the barn."
You nod "What am I looking for?"
"The biggest catch with this sort of thing is to have a clear understanding of the object to be modified. I Imagine in this case you are looking at the pipes. Now touch the barn and imagine that area."
Nodding you place your hand on the walls and imagine the pipes behind your shower. To your surprise the hot and cold pipes connect just below the taps. This is true of both the sink and the shower.
"Ok I can see the pipes," you say.
"Now you want to bring them outside so you can connect them to the heater."
You imagine the pipes shifting and are ‘rewarded' with the sounds of water leaking from upstairs.
"You may however want to turn the water off before you do so," she says, chuckling. "The tap is around the back of the barn."
You sprint out and around to find the tap and quickly come back once you have done so.
"Another lesson to be learnt. Make sure you consider the entire object. Otherwise normal physics will still occur. Now finish the job"
You nod and move the pipe around but find a lack of pipe available. "I need more pipe" you say.
"Create it like you would the clothes"
You nod and do so. You add in some taps as a last minute thing to avoid the water leaking again. "Won't they just disappear?"
"Yes, until we put more magic in." You feel her access your magic after a brief pause as if asking permission. The magic flows from you to complicated to understand but you know the pipes are now solid and don't need your magic to be maintained.
You slump, slightly exhausted from the simple spell. "Is it always that difficult."
"Of course not, you just are not used to using magic. It may be better for you to do the heater itself as the last thing today. That way you won't lose your disguise."
"Now you can make breakfast for both of us. If you go into the forest you should be able to find enough for both of us. Remember though any magic you use will make it that much harder to make your heater later"
You nod and set off, wondering how on earth you are going to find food without using your magic.
You step into the forest, despite it being overgrown you find that you are able to walk through it without impediment. And also you know exactly where to find a grove of fruit. But what else might a unicorn eat? You're reluctant to go back inside and ask; you get the feeling Launia wants you to figure this out yourself.
Written by Catprog and Xodiac on 22 December 2014