Horses eat grass, and unicorns are like horses. Right? You figure it’s worth a go. But there’s not a whole lot of grass near the barn. The ground is mostly dirt and rock. Maybe you should form a paddock…
Nah. Later, maybe, but for now it’d use too much magic. You need to replenish, not use even more!
Circling around the barn, you find a path that may once have been a road, before it became overgrown with decades, or perhaps centuries, of undergrowth. With a look over your shoulder back at the barn, you start down it, hoping to find a clearing not far away.
You follow the path which soon joins the river you arrived next to, was it only yesterday?. You think for a moment about catching some fish but while you may tolerate it you get the feeling Launia would not like it. And, now that you think about it, the idea of eating dead flesh doesn’t appeal much to you, anymore. You wonder if when you weren't disguised as a human you would like it even less.
"You continue down the path which soon leaves the river. You find the path ends not at a connection to a road or another path, but a cave. Inside, you find cave paintings which you would say were of Launia.
"Wow… Is this really her? She must be quite old if this is her," you say out loud. But you still need to find food for breakfast and you walk back out. There are a bunch of animals outside waiting for you.
You remember that you can now talk to the animals. Even so, you feel a little silly as you crouch down before a squirrel and say, "Hey guys, I’m new here. Any idea where I can find some good grass to eat?"
"I have no idea where the grass to eat is. I can tell you where acorns are, though, ma’am!" he replies with an eager flick of his tail.
"Ok , so who eats grass?" you call out to the other animals around you.
One of the deer approaches you. "I do miss."
"Could you take me to where you eat?"
She nods and heads off into the forest. You follow her and come to a clearing with a number of other deer. You gather a bunch of grass and thank the deer before heading back to the barn.
Written by Catprog and Xodiac on 23 December 2014