More Storm
Sunlight is still absent I the world when you wake to loud crashes of thunder and wicked flashes of white lightning. Fear stems from your chest as you're jolted awake and it takes minutes before you've calmed. Once you have, you realize the water is rising and the cave is beginning to fill. With no other option you must run into the morning devoid of sunlight and find high ground. A grove of trees a ways north of the cave offer high ground and a small bit of shelter from the driving rain. The howl of the wind rings throughout your ears as you try to think of what to do. You've not eaten today and the storm has scattered all food so hunting is nigh impossible until the water recedes. Until then you must wait. The day drags slowly on as you huddle under the trees and daydream about flying, flight being your only wish right now. Each passing hour comes with more rain and more longing. You cannot help but watch as the water level grows closer and closer to. The wind picks up even more, however, and you struggle the best you can against it. It takes most of your energy just to keep your balance among the storm's fury. The water eventually comes to your paws once more and you're forced to flee up the trees and into the wind's path. Trees whip about violently and muddy rivers dot the landscape from your vantage point. Exhaustion eventually takes you sometime late in the night and you fall into a deep slumber atop the trees.
Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 15 April 2013