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Fishing emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

With luck and skill your body manages to stay aloft even as you slept and now you wake. The sky is once again rejoined by the sun and the waters are beginning to fade. Your hunger causes you to lurch forward from where you are sitting and the branches give way. Time stops for a moment as you fall and then speeds by infinitely quick as you slam into the water below. Scrambling for the nearest dry surface you grab a hold of a floating vine and pull yourself to the trees. Now safe on somewhat dry land you must find something to eat. Realizing that none of the usual creatures are around you get an odd idea. It truly does seem off, but then, it might work anyway. You dive back into the murky water you had just crawled out of. Your goal is to find fish that may have floated throughout the water as it rose during the storm. The search takes a good long while and several trips up for air are needed.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 17 April 2013

one fish...

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