“GRAW!” You roar over the three males to the point that each of them flinch from the outburst. They wait patiently for your next move as they shoot bloodthirsty gazes to each other. You attempted to speak in your normal human dialect, telling them that you didn’t want them to fight but, the only sounds that came out were discordant growls.
The smallest of the males only came a little higher than your waist, but his eyes were on you like a hawk. You noticed that he carried a large round wooden ball with him as he walk closer to you. He grinned and hopped on the ball, his balance, amazing as he giggled trying to impress you with his skill.
The small male did a flip before he started to roll his ball on hands only, the show ending as the badger leaped off the ball before landing with a polite bow. There was a chorus of grunts and grows from the other two males, the thinner of the three approaching you next with a grin on his face.
The thin male started to touch your paw pads with a grin on his face. Before you could figure out what he was up to, he somehow slipped three flowers along your arms. You gaze down in amazement as the badger gives a long grunting laugh, slowly rubbing his hands together before opening it into a large apple, which split open to reveal a hidden flower.
The badger chuckled before he moved his hands with such a flourish that petals sprinkled over the ground in front of them. He started a slow sweep with his paws, the strong scent of roses reached your nose. You snort softly before placing your hands on your nose, him grinning in response before give a little curtsy and standing up with his head covered in petals. You noticed that tied under both of his arms were little pouches filled with flowers and flower petals.
“Graw, Raawr.” The thin male said, while you didn’t understand what he was saying verbally but you felt that he was telling you his name. Lotus was what the growls meant, and the thin badger figured you understood as he started to step back. He grinned widely before suddenly rushing closer to you with an even larger grin on his face, placing his paws on both sides of your muzzle. Lotus moved in close to give your muzzle a playful lick of affection.
The smallest male growled before kicking his ball with enough force to hit Lotus in the back of the legs, hard enough to send him flopping to the ground in a heap which scattered his flowers around in a large pile. He growled loudly before standing up. Deciding that no more fighting was to commence, you stepped forward to calm him down but the largest male placed a strong paw against your shoulder.
He made a few deep grunts that vibrated through his entire frame, a slow explanation that each of them were brothers and that you are the first female that they had seen in awhile. He was Pine-the youngest-while the thin male was Lotus, their middle brother and the shortest was Reed. He gently led you away as Lotus and Reed started to paw at each other with powerful blows but you noticed while the hits seemed vicious, neither of the males were using their sharp claws.
You were brought to a small camp fire with three large pile of leaves overlooking a large lake that was so clear you could count the fish at the top of the lake. You suddenly felt the large male’s paws grip you before hoisting you in the air as if you weighed nothing. You squirmed in Pine’s vice-like grip as you started to panic from the lack of contact with the ground.
“Graw!” He counted softly before swinging you closer to the water with a deep chuckle. “Grawaw!” He added before giving you another rock closer to the water. You could feel the wind against your fur with each swing.
“RAWR!” He growled before launching you through the air with such force that it felt like you were flying from the air time. Your fur billowed as you sailed over the water, the various fish seeming to be almost a rainbow blur before you were engulfed by the cool lake. You hoped that you wouldn’t drown but after a little struggling you noticed that the water was only a few feet above your head. Realizing that you weren’t gonna die so soon, you badger-paddled back to the more shallow end of the lake.
Written by Mr Woofles on 11 March 2016