“Gr-” You started to growl with murder in your eyes before the two other badgers sailed into the water, Lotus landing right in front of you but Reed-being much smaller-soared over the both of you before landing in a large splash behind. As you turned to make sure the small badger was alright, you noticed that he was clutching to his ball, which kept him afloat in the deep end.
“Hahahah. Wow. That is the best record yet. One of these days, I’m going to chuck Reed to the other side.” Pine chuckled softly.
“Are you insane!? You could have killed me!” You shout at the top of your lungs, you paused for a moment as you started to realize that you could understand every word that you said and that of the largest badger.
“I can understand you!” You shouted happily while giving a little happy dance as you wagged your stubby tail in the water. You grinned before putting both of the older brothers in a headlock while giving a few large, pleasurable growls.
“What are you talking about, you’ve been speaking just fine the whole time.” Pine said with a deep voice to match his impressive size. He raised his paws with a grin. “Well this is that part where we go fishin’.” Pine added as the other males cheered around you.
You notice that there is a grin on his face before he placed four sticks on the ground near the campfire. “We are here for two weeks and now that we have another lady to join us then we should teach her the ways of proper fishing.” Pine cleared his throat with all the flourish of a fight announcer.
“Brothers! Do we fish with a line?” he yelled out over the lake.
“No!” Reed replied while still bobbing on the wooden ball.
“Brothers! Do we fish with a net?”
“No!” Lotus yelled before slapping a bit of the water at his brother.
“Brothers! Do we fish with a spear?”
“No!” You yelled, feeling like one of the three gathered around, your mind pushing down the surreal feeling of the moment. You felt like you belonged here, the warmth and affection from the strange males made the situation pleasant, comforting and wholesome.
“No brothers and sister! We fish with the glorious paws and raw badger power that were given at birth. Let’s show the new female how it’s done.” Pine stated before diving in the water. It was only a few moments before he pulled out a large bass. You gaze at the large fish flopping near the campfire, Pine grinning and stepping out of the water with a knowing smirk on his face.
He started to prepare his fish, digging deeper into the soft mud before pulling out a large box. The badger popped open the box, which was filled with various dried spices and seasoning. Pine dropped the fish into the box before rolling it around to season it.
You snort as you started to swat at the water, hoping to hit one of the fish. Then you paused for a moment, looking at the rippling reflection of yourself. The face that stares back at you is one of impressive size; the large blunt nose and the long stripes of fur really accent the feminine curves of your head while you straighten up your posture to get a better look at yourself.
You noticed that you have more of an hourglass figure and your mind start to the fade a bit. You cannot remember what you looked like before this. Wait, you were always like this… weren’t you? You look at the large three rows of ample bosom that is reflected off the water before you suddenly start to understand what was wrong with your fishing technique. A quick slap to the water knocks a smaller bass into the dirt near the camp fire, the brothers giving a loud cheer as you step out of the water.
The time seems to blur by while you eat with the brothers. They were great hosts for you. You feel like you’re forgetting something, but your mind quickly pushes it down as you doze off from the meal. The fish was delicious with the strange seasoning that reminded you of lemons. You plop down on the pile of leaves, content with a full belly and tired legs. The other brothers crashed out on their leaves while Reed simply climbed on your back, smoothing out your fur to rest his head there.
The next morning lead to further adventures as the brothers decided to head back home. You weren’t sure of where you lived but the smell of their home was comforting. Every tree smelled like their sweat, the large burrow that they lived in smelled like their strong but comforting musk. As you entered their home, you noticed that there were two more badgers inside. One was a large male that was almost completely gray with age while the other was almost as small as Reed, but had a smaller muzzle and six large breast that heaved with every breath.
You sat with the two elders as they played with stone in a strange game. Not soon after, they looked over you, carefully, before the matron simply stood up and walked closer to you with a large smile on her face. Her cold nose presses against your face, sniffing you slowly. Seeming not to be satisfied there, she gives you a gentle push which leave you on your back before running her nose down your body.
“Eh? You’re a fertile sow, aren’t ya?” The matron grinned and crossed her arms, “So which one of my boys brought you here? I’m guessing Pine... All the girls go for him, so I’m a little worried that I’ll only get children from him.” The short badger chuckled before sitting on your belly with a grin.
Written by Mr Woofles on 12 March 2016