Strange World
"Oh, you don't know? Damn.. Guess we really are uncharted. This island is entirely comprised of people like us."
"Yep. We have all sorts here."
"Wow. I didn't know they exist."
"Well, you do now! I think the reason you're here is because unlike most people, you respect us. Most people think we're just weird freaks. You see, the few humans that have heard about this island are from the government. That's why they put a barrier between us."
You figure this must be the real reason behind why they deemed the show fictional. No one would take it seriously with furries.
"How did you get here?"
"I was born here, but that doesn't matter.. Follow me and I'll show you around."
You didn't find the prize very appealing and this seemed a lot more interesting, so you let her give you a tour.
Written by marissalikesgreenday on 30 June 2014
The end (for now)