6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
Here we go...
You stayed silent from everybody, focusing only in what you were drawing on your sketchbook. You are a fan of furries of all kinds. You also are pretty good at drawing them too. You also are good at construction and exploring. Those are your skills. There are some you don't have yet. Your disadvantages are unknown...you are in this island because you had nothing actually better to do, and the prize is worth even sitting here and doing nothing...
Written by Rikki on 08 November 2008
You decide to draw a fox, luckily for you, you are pretty good at foxes. You decide to really put effort into this one, when the final result comes out 40 minutes later. You see a Female Anthropomorphic Fox, only problem is, you realize as you stand up. You look exactly the same now! You've turned into your drawing.
Written by Eavna on 28 February 2009
Foxy 2
You run around yourself to see your new tail. You are all orange with a white circle around your snout. Your paws are black at the tips and your tail is white at the tip. Your claws are sharp, and you have superhearing. Only thing is, you are completely naked! You have breasts, too. Scared, you grip your notebook and pen and run off into the forest, where you belong. Suddenly, a figure attacks you. "STOP!" You yell. The creature is an Anthro also. A wolf woman. She's silver and has the same white and black places you have. "Oops. Sorry. Thought you were a hunter." She says. "The name is Bandit." "I'm Ry." You say. "It's okay. I'm new to this though. You see, all I did was draw an Anthro Fox.." You start.
Written by TF_Gal on 04 October 2013
Befriending Bandit
You realize Bandit has clothes. She has a hat similar to a shipmate's. it is black and covers the tuft of hair on the top of her head. She has a topless dark purple shirt, and short ripped denim jeans. "You look cold. Take these." She says. You get a hat like hers, but red in color. You get a green topless shirt and short ripped khakis. You change quickly. "Follow me. I set up a camp, and waited for someone to come..." She says. You follow her into the forest.
Written by TFGal on 04 October 2013
"I thought the island was abandoned"
"I thought the island was abandoned" you say.
She smiles "Let me guess you signed up for a reality show?"
You nod before she replies "Same here. I don't know how but the barrier was keeping everything separate. I don't know how they were able to get your group in."
Written by catprog on 05 November 2013
Strange World
"Oh, you don't know? Damn.. Guess we really are uncharted. This island is entirely comprised of people like us."
"Yep. We have all sorts here."
"Wow. I didn't know they exist."
"Well, you do now! I think the reason you're here is because unlike most people, you respect us. Most people think we're just weird freaks. You see, the few humans that have heard about this island are from the government. That's why they put a barrier between us."
You figure this must be the real reason behind why they deemed the show fictional. No one would take it seriously with furries.
"How did you get here?"
"I was born here, but that doesn't matter.. Follow me and I'll show you around."
You didn't find the prize very appealing and this seemed a lot more interesting, so you let her give you a tour.
Written by marissalikesgreenday on 30 June 2014
The end (for now)