Through the Portal
You step through the portal warily and expect nothing at all except to see the female doctor at your side. As expected, the portal welcomes you. Your body becomes warm and your extremities begin to tingle as if inundated with static electricity. You close your eyes as you step through. Upon exiting the portal, you open your eyes.
What you see is the furthest thing from what you expect. No longer are you in the cold, sterile environment of the laboratories you've spent the better part of your life in. Now you are inside of another world, looking at colors and lights that are completely alien to you. In shock and awe, you drop to your knees. The sky is a light, warm pink and the ground around you is effervescently orange. There are clouds staining the pink sky that are white, but with slight, welcoming hints of a lime green at their edges.
You can see mountains that extend past your sight and high into the sky, as if you are in a valley surrounded by needles of ground and orange earth. At your knees, the ground is lightly dusty, but firm, very reminiscent of the steel ground of the laboratory. There is a warm breeze that smells of rosemary and peach. There is sound unlike what you've ever imagined before, a humming that shifts and rises as if sung by the breeze that surrounds you.
The sights, sounds, colors, and smells that surround you are so overwhelming, you find yourself unable to move immediately. After five minutes of shock, you begin to come to your senses. You now have a choice in front of you. After examining the horizon, you think you can see the exit portal far off in the distance. The entrance portal sits at your back. Do you turn immediately backward to escape this place or do you venture forward toward the exit portal?
Written by Martin Prance on 02 February 2016