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Head immediately back toward the Entrance emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Fear overcomes you and you find yourself instinctively racing back toward the entrance portal. Upon turning around, you're faced with an unusual sight.
A strange, alien creature stands in front of you. The creature is tall, covered from head to toe in a brown, spotted fur. Their eyes are full of life and empathy, but spaced strangely closer to the sides of their head than a human's. Other than that, they are strangely humanlike, with slender shoulders, a curved, feminine body and brown eyes with long eyelashes.
Their form immediately communicates femininity and their stance is cautious. They are looking at you suspiciously, with a human hand covered in fur stretching out toward you.
"Hello?" The creature says in a female's voice.
Upon closer inspection, this woman's form is most closely reminiscent of a gazelle, with a strange, deer-like haunch in her thighs, slender limbs and the distinctive white spotting of her fur. Her form is welcoming, but strange. You have an instinctive attraction to her most immediately apparent of the curiosity any normal human would have toward a random, friendly stray cat.
"Can you speak?" She says to you.
How do you respond to her?

Written by Martin Prance on 01 February 2016

Both Cautiously
Both Enthusiastically
Both Suspiciously

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