Perhaps it was a substance that was made to induce some changes in you, so they can study the consequences on human anatomy, to see if this is a potential product for future uses on a mass scale.
Or maybe it is nothing at all, a simple injection of water, to see if you give in to panic and fear. It would be quite the experiment in psychology, one that you aren't sure you want to indulge in, but since when do you have a veto on it? When people want to advance progress, how can you argue against science and the wonders it brings to the rest of the world? Perhaps your sacrifice will not be in vain but still, there would be something disturbing about it...
As you are thinking about the possibilities that could change your life, your arm starts to burn, as if someone or something had poured salt in your wound. It is a cruel sensation, one that no one wants to feel, unless they posses a secret fantasy.
This isn't the time to ponder about escaping, not when a sudden urge could claim your life; if you are able to solve this situation, then escape would then be an option that could become viable. However, you know that it wouldn't easy, for the possibilities could be endless; although the risks were high, you still have to try, for a failure is not acceptable, for it could spell your doom.
You look at the injection site; it has swollen node, making you wonder how you were able to lift your arm without pain. Perhaps you could press it, to expel the pathogens out of your body, but there is a risk to this sort of procedure. By doing so, it could spread the mutagens in your veins, making any attempts to resist it quite useless. There is also the pain factor; surely pressing such an inflamed region would only cause an outburst of pain, one that could temporarily cripple you...
As the possibilities dance in front of you, a sudden surge of pain courses through your arm, making you fall to the ground, holding the affected area with one hand. Although it isn't enough to stop the propagation, the mental effect is enough to soothe your mind for a moment, enough for you to try to focus on an escape plan.
You have the impression that fire ants are crawling in your veins, tearing up your flesh; would this horrific sensation stop, or would you go insane before it would end? There was nothing you can do stop it, except bash your head against the wall; perhaps it would the best path to follow...
The ants are moving; from your arm, the sensation soon moves to your shoulder, then your chest. You had the impression of being devoured from the inside, torn apart as some sort of internal inferno was burning your innards to a crisp.
Would this be the end? Or would this experience pass? Only time would tell you, but you have little desire to know, for a potential outcome of it could be lethal and you had no desire to leave the world in such a way...
Written by zanian on 14 November 2015