Although slumber is comfortable, there is little you can do to stop the inevitable end that follows it. Perhaps it is just a passing fancy, a dream that permits you to be the hero for a moment, although it is a strange situation. However, dreams are not supposed to be close to reality, so when light shines upon your eyes once again, everything will be alright, for the nightmare will be over.
However, as you open your eyes, you realize that it isn't a dream at all; you are still trapped in this strange facility, although it isn't the same room as the one that you were locked in the first time. At least the clothes that you are wearing kept you warm during your slumber; if you had been naked during that ordeal, imagine the situation it could have caused...
Why did they move you? The reason of such an action is beyond your comprehension, but you are sure that you will understand it soon enough, for it would be quite foolish to leave you here for no purpose. What would the people that brought you here gain from leaving you here if nothing happened?
Scratching your head, you can feel a strange itching on your arm; before giving in to the hypothesis that was rising in your mind, you decide to investigate it, to see what it is, so it would clear any possible doubts. After all, it is possible that this is just a simple wound caused by an accident and not the result of something more sinister than that. It would be quite the easy explanation, but you have the impression that reality is not as nice as you desired it to be...
Looking at your arm, you notice that there is a strange lump on it, as if someone stuck a needle in it, or an insect stung it. Since there are no bugs flying around, the theory of the mysterious injection was more possible, but it is also scarier.
In the case of a mystery injection, it means that something is coursing in your veins, but what could it be? Is it some sort of toxin, so they could observe the damage it will wreak on the human body before you die a painful death, a simple specimen in the mist of the many others that were probably captured?
Written by zanian on 07 November 2015