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Bow drill emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Your survival depended on the construction of simple machines. All you needed was some string and a stick. With the help of your fire, you noticed some stringy growth strong enough for you to weave into some rope. A more rigid dryer stick worked for the base. You notched the wood and slid the knotted ends of your rope through each side. A thick dry piece of wood as a base, along with some dried brush, and a short stick for the friction, you soon had yourself a suitable fireplace.
Now it was a matter of your physical strength. With a notched rock, you held the stick in place as you turned it with your bow drill, first long slow strokes, and then quick fast strokes to generate sparks. Surprisingly, it only took you moments to make the fire itself, despite the timely prep. It served well to save you some time in this race for survival.

Written by Driftingdragon on 05 March 2021


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