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Shelter emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You looked to the sky and watched the pinkish clouds rolling in as the setting sun continued to descend. It seemed like it would be a hard night; cold, windy, maybe rain? Plus, the exhaustion was really getting to you, and you thought it would be best to get some rest and recuperate for a while. Your thoughts were plagued with the idea of taking a nap ever since you had eaten, so the best course of action was clearly to position yourself to do so.
Time wasn’t wasted when you began setting up your home base. Starting with a main central branch wedged between a low V in a thick tree, you built sideways leaning sticks along the ‘spine’ of your construction until you ended up with a stable enough hut for you to sleep in. Along the inside you dug a shallow pit, covered with sticks, and topped with leaves for insulation.
“This should stop the mosquitos.” You said to yourself as you went to ready a fire outside. It was an exhausting day, and the sun was just starting to fully set, so the fire was absolutely necessary. You realized the winds were picking up, and you needed to be quick with how you made this fire.

Written by Driftingdragon on 03 March 2021

Bow drill

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