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Daniel pushed Jake away. “You are not treating me like a person.”


Jake dropped his hands to his side. He didn’t say anything, just sighed. Daniel furrowed her eyebrows, massaging the bridge of her nose. The beginnings of tears were stinging at her eyes but there was no way she was going to cry. It all felt so overly dramatic. She took a deep breath. The tears were slowly fading and now she was almost angry. Angry that Jake was behaving like this, angry that she’d let the situation spiral, and especially angry that any of this situation was possible.


With a resolute scowl on her face, Daniel turned her back on Jake and stomped back to the tree house. The lack of a door made it more difficult to create a dramatic entrance but she tried her best, bursting into the room without hesitance.


“We’re going back to Area 50,” she announced. “I have a friend I need to see.”


Written by Flutterbest on 11 April 2018

Both To Area 50

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