The voice of a child tore Jared out of his stupor. He swung his head to the left where the forest was. Standing there were a couple of human kids, neither of them older than 13, one girl, one boy. They were dressed for a hike with big boots, backpacks, and shorts. Suddenly the boy made to run after Jared, but the girl stopped him. “Wait! Calm down. You don’t want to spook him.”
Jared was definitely alarmed, but they hadn’t frightened him into swimming away. Um, hey there, was supposed to be his greeting, but the usual “Vaporeon” came out instead. Shit! They’re not gonna understand a word I say. Jared scurried to his feet and faced them with his hands held up as if to show he was unarmed.
The girl came forward slowly with one hand reaching into a waist bag that hung from her belt. “Easy now, we’re not gonna hurt you.” Her hand came out of the bag with what looked like two marbles at first. Then she clicked a button on them both, causing them to expand into two red and white orbs.
Jared’s heart sank when he recognized the two Pokéballs. Wait! Hold on! “Vaporeon!”
The girl wasn’t listening. She took one ball and hurled it at the ground in front of her. “Grotle, go!”
The ball burst open and unleashed a beaming red energy which materialized into a stout turtwig. It stood at a wide stance on his hind legs, the look of determination sharpening its features. “Grotle!” Ready!
That wasn’t good. Jared addressed his opponent. Hey! Buddy! Can you tell them to back off? I’m not a Pokémon! It frustrated Jared to no end hearing his pleas come out as nothing but his species’ name.
The grotle shot him a confused look. The hell do you mean? You look like a Pokémon to me, and me and my master are about to capture you.
No! Wait! You don’t have to!
The grotle shrugged. Sorry, buddy.
The girl shouted her first attack. “Grotle, use razor leaf!”
“Grotle!” He fell into a sharp squat and leaned his body forward, exposing the shrubbery atop his shell and aiming at Jared. Its leaves began to glow white, and out forth shot a hurricane of green scythes barreling straight for Jared.
That was his que to retreat. Jared spun around as hard as he could and sprung for the water. He felt and heard the whizz of deadly leaves past his ears, ripping chills across his skin in the short but crucial moment before he splashed into the water. The moment he hit the surface he kicked his legs and his tail for dear life, propelling himself farther and deeper until his image blurred to nothing.
He did not come to a rest until he was at the very center and bottom of the lake. There he floated upright, heart pounding. That was too close! Why didn’t I think about Pokémon trainers? Are there more around here? Are those three still up there? He didn’t want to expose himself above the water to check, but the need for air pinched his lungs and drew him upwards. His eyes breached the surface as subtly as he could make them. Scanning the lake’s shore he saw the two trainers make a disappointed retreat into the forest. The grotle was nowhere to be seen, apparently back in his Pokeball.
Written by TheGreatJaceyGee on 08 September 2024