The next Suit
I do not want to find out what it’s like to be captured. That grotle had been so confident and unwavering in his service to his trainer. Now that he thought about it, so was every Pokémon in the games and in the anime. If I’m captured, will I lose all my free will? Will I be forced to fight other Pokémon? Just like that, this universe’s Libertarian allure had crumbled under the threat of captivity. Jared would have to tread carefully for as long as he lived here, and there was still no way to know how long that would be. A week at least, he thought dismally. I’ll have to avoid capture for that long. This won’t be easy.
Nor was it. Jared made home of that lake, swimming about and exploring its shores and surrounding forest for the remaining fortnight while being wary of whomever or whatever would come walking around every tree and corner. Food was abundant but taking the time to sit down and eat meant exposing himself to a potential captor. He would strip just a couple branches of their berries before making a hasty retreat for the water where he was safe. The sight of humans, however seldom, would always send him scurrying. Once he saw the same pair of kids he’d first encountered. Perhaps they were after him to make up for their previous failure. Jared didn’t want to find out, thus he kept a wide berth in the middle of the lake.
One long week of paranoia made him forget about the worlds outside this one. His reminder came in the form of a package lodged in the sandy lake shore where he was foraging for food. Seeing it brought a flood of memories, those when he was another creature living in another world. Leland… The wizard bastard hadn’t forgotten about Jared after all. Or at least somebody hadn’t, because this package, like the Vaporeon suit, lacked a letter for him to read. No matter who sent it, Jared was eager to see what awaited inside for him. It was time to get the hell out of there.
Written by TheGreatJaceyGee on 09 September 2024