“ So what happens to mamma's boy here,” Rika asked before you think to.
“ He must search here, until he finds another suit.” Caulmon waves a paw in the air, apparently not ready to leave your arms.
“ Then I get home?” You ask, Caulmon looks up at you with large puppy eyes. Then turns away.
“ Maybe.” Caulmon whispers.
“ Maybe! I can't babysit him forever!” Rika says it like she could be possibly be having a worse day then you.
“ I don't exactly like your company either!” You snap at Rika, and turn your attention back to Caulmon.
“ What do you know?” You ask. “
You keep on trying on suits, these suits are each different. They work only on those like you.” Caulmon says. You want to question her like me comment, but let it go. Not wanting to stop the flow of information.
“ You keep on trying until one leads you home. I can't tell you how I know, or when you would get home. Only that it would be someday.” Caulmon raises herself in the air and drifts over to Renamon shoulder to sit, she surprisingly doesn't get brushed away.
Written by psto1464 on 30 July 2017