Instinct took over as you stretched doubt your claws and stalked the squirrel as carefully and as quietly as you could. You could feel your heartbeat pulse throughout your body. To you, it felt like the whole forest had gone silent in anticipation for your dinner. Ypu exhaled quick tuffs of air though your nose.
With your mouth hanging wide open and your sharp fangs ready to snap shut you leaped up from where you had been hiding and bound towards the squirrel at speeds you never would have been able to before as a human. The squirrel sees your giant form nearing it and attempts to run away from you back to the safety of the treetops. It isn't fast enough though, and you reach it before it can even get to the base of a tree.
You stretch your neck out oddly and open your mouth even wider, straining your jaws. Your mouth snaps shut, piercing the squirrel's fur and skin with a sickening crunch. Your teeth puncture its gut and you feel the gush of its blood flow into your mouth and slid down your throat. Gulping, you hungrily devour the paltry creature, unaware of the large shadow being cast over you.
It isn't until you finish practically swallowing it whole that you notice the tod behind you, snarling and ready to pounce. He moves before you can even blink and bites your hind leg viciously and draws blood. You yip and kick away from him. Spinning around you see him ready to attack you again.
Your mind is racing. You can't fight a fox! You have never even been in a fight with another human before, how would you even attempt to fight a wild fox? Your heart felt like it would burst from your chest. Your legs were shaking and every time you tried to edge farther away from the tod your hind leg would pulse from where he had bitten you. Pain shot through your entire leg each time you applied the briefest pressure to it. You didn't know what else to do.
Written by Vixen on 22 January 2018