You flung your body to the ground and stuck your nose in the dirt, hoping the tod would see it as a submissive gesture. What else could you have done? You had no idea how to fight a wild fox before you had been bitten, how would you do so with your leg stinging with pain every time you moved it?
You whimpered as the fox bore his eyes into you. He was still growling quietly and his stance said he wasn't convinced you weren't a threat. He seemed to enjoy filling you with dismay as he drew closer to you. What to do, what to do!? You thought frantically. You had a passing thought of just running away, but the tod would surely just follow you. It wasn't as if you could walk with your leg as it is now, let alone run.
So, you did the only other thing you could think of. You brought your time in the air and wiggled it like you had seen puppies so to their siblings when they wanted to play. The tod seemed less distrustful, but he was still wiry.
You whined and lied your head flat on the grass. You looked up at the tod and watched with fearful eyes as he stepped closer to you. He bent down and sniffed you. You flinched away, but he continued. He circled around you, sniffing and growling in union. He stopped abruptly and licked at your leg before looking you in the eye. He turned and walked away, back to the skulk. You remained as you were, lying on the hard ground, wondering what to do now. He had left you there, did that mean he no longer thought of you as a threat? Taking a chance, you stood shakily and limped over to the clearing. The other adult fox watched you with curiosity. Was that a good sign? You don't know much about foxes or their behavior. You had no idea how to proceed from here.
Written by Vixerlen on 25 January 2018