Actually, you were more doing this to give the poor thing a proper burial but you slowly nod. For
some reason, that makes Blurred laugh.
“Oh, I was enjoying your cat form so much that I actually forgot why I bought you in the first place.”
What? You were bought? Who sold you? You had assumed that somehow Blurred had been
expecting you and had jumped on the occasion to turn you into a pet, but now you are starting to
wonder if you had been abducted during your sleep as some part of illegal traffic. It would explain
your missing name: they would have erased it so it would be harder to go back to your old life.
As you ponder these new possibilities, he suddenly picks you up, holds you firmly in his arms and
walks towards the house. You have a bad feeling about this and meow softly so that they let you
down but they ignore you. However, despite the premonition, you trust him and you don’t struggle.
You have been living with them for several days and you even started to like their weird ways.
Glad that you are being calm about this, they smile down to you… and you see something in their
eyes that give you a cold chill.
They bring you to your room. They gave it to you on your first day here and you have been sleeping
on the pillow in a neat little ball in the middle of a huge human-size length of sheets. As Blurred
was pretty rich, you had assumed that they were only being a little eccentric and would give you a
full double bed, completed with room, to you, even if you are a cat.
They lay you on it and sits next to you, their smile not leaving their face and their eyes still having
this worrying glint to them.
They suddenly snap their fingers and you feel yourself starting to change. You grow considerably in
size, all your fur disappears, replaced by reddish scales, your wings change from feathery to
leathery and you tail grows into a snake-like appendage. You even grow small, straight horn on the
top of your head. Moments later, you are what appears a human-shaped dragon and spread on the
sheets. You look up at Blurred with questions in your eyes.
Somehow, you really, really don’t like where this is heading.
You voice feels a little raspy, since it is the very first time you talk in weeks. You start a questions,
pause in the middle, clear your throat and try again.
“What is happening?”
He laughs, something you heard him do quite often these last days, something you got used to. Well,
surprise! You didn’t know this laugh. It is different from their amused, slightly mocking one. It is
harsh, unforgiving, cruel. They toss their hair over their shoulder and narrow their eyes, before
changing shape as well.
Their skin turns back and their eyes start burning. Scales grows on their usually ivory skin, their
hair changes into a thick mane, massive horns sprout on their skull and large wings appear on their
back, so wide their make the room look darker.
You are now staring in the eyes of a wider, darker humanoid dragon… and, you’re are no means an
expert on dragons, but he definitely is a male, judging by his body shape. White fish-like teeth flash
in his jaws when he speaks to you.
“Do you know why I paid seventy gold nuggets for you, human?”
He would have been better off buying a tooth brush. The stench of his breath is… well, let’s just say
that now you want to vomit. Thanks a lot, Blurred.
“No, why?” You ask, covering your sensitive nose with your hand.
“Because I was once a human, just like you, who had fallen in this realm by accident. I learned to
survive here, acquired power… but I never could feel as if someone could understand me. I figured
that an other human for my world would be the perfect companion. That is why I bought you and
brought you here, Skippy.”
You frown. It is hard to imagine that the monster sitting near you on the bed was once human. But
hey, if he says so… But you still have questions for him.
“Then why didn’t you change me into a human, if you wanted a human companion?” You ask.
“Because…” his smiles scare you, “… I am not into humans anymore.”
And he bends over to kiss you. Well, it would be really generous to call it a kiss. It is a hard shove
of his jaw against yours, with slick saliva dipping everywhere, and let’s not forget the tooth brush
problem. Yeah, you’ve had better. You are so surprised thought that it takes you a while to realize
what he really wants… and suddenly you have no more questions to ask him.
You shove him away and slip under his guard, making a beeline for the door. He takes a while to
realize you’re escaping.
You hear a roar behind you and push forward, but nothing comes after you. Curious, you look over
your shoulder and smirk when you see that Blurred has some trouble with the doorway. That’s
what happen when you get to big to pass doors!
Written by Clayem on 25 March 2016