Out In The Wild
Before you know it, you are out the front door and running down the road to the village. You pass
various people that send you strange looks but you ignore them, to preoccupied to really pay any
attention to them. After a sprint, you realize that you still have wings and you decide to fly off.
You flap your wings. Your new body takes a few moments to get used to, but you soon catch your
balance and soar up.
The wind feels divine on your wings, as you get father and father from this damn magician house.
You are free, and even if you aren’t human, you can fly and that is the best news so far. Besides,
who wouldn’t want to be a dragon? Even if you should have ran out of this house the second he had
uttered the word ‘pet’, you are glad he at least brought you that.
As you fly, you figure out a few things. Now, you understand why Blurred was, well, blurred: he
most probably wanted to hide his true form under a doll-like appearance… but didn’t want to look
too female. The more you think about it, the more you realize that you should have been alerted
about a few strange details already.
But it all in the past. For now, you should focus on getting as many miles you can between you and
Written by Clayem on 26 March 2016