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“What the hell?!” Daniel couldn’t help being offended by the situation. She swatted her mother’s hand away, glaring. Her parents were startled and her mother’s face was growing in concern.


“Language, Danny! What on Earth’s gotten into you?” she asked.


“What’s gotten into me?” Daniel gaped. She wildly gestured at herself. “I have fur. I have ears. I have boobs. None of that’s supposed to be there! Just letting you know! No biggie!”


Her parents swapped knowing looks.


“Now sweetheart,” her mother began. She tried to place a comforting hand on Daniel’s arm but was shrugged off. “Everyone reaches a stage in their life where they feel this way and I know it must be difficult for you. You look different from your classmates but different can be good! Different can be special. You’re special Danielle.”


Danielle? Daniel stared at them, shaking her head slowly. She couldn’t believe she was being told this bullshit. She clamped her mouth shut resolutely and without another word turned away from her parents and walked to the exit. They called her name but she was already out the door within moments.


Written by Flutterbest on 31 January 2018

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