Parent      Story So Far      Outline

Odd Family emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel treaded lightly down the stairs. She was more grateful for the impossible to clean, beige---possibly once white carpeting that coated the upstairs flooring than she’d ever been. The atypical things she’d found in her room had made her suspicious but she couldn’t jump to conclusions. All she knew for sure is she did not want her parents to see her like this.


When she reached the bottom of the stairs she surveyed the hallway warily. It was all clear so she scrambled across to hide in the archway that led to the kitchen...and the back door. She checked once more for some sign of people then booked it to the exit.


“Where you goin’, hon?” the man who spoke was friendly, almost to the point it was hard to take him seriously. Daniel spun around to face him, her heart beating fast. It was her father of course.


“D-dad?” she spluttered. She was expecting the worst but her father appeared unfazed.


“That’s me! You alright there, sport? You look worried.” He smiled warmly at her while he poured himself a cup of coffee.


“Tsk, don’t pry dear,” an airy, lightly weathered voice chided from the hallway. Soon after Daniel’s mother stepped into the kitchen. “A young woman needs her privacy you know.”


“What? She can talk to her old man. Isn’t that right, Danny?” He didn’t look at Daniel when he asked, absorbed in his drink and a recently unraveled newspaper. If he had chanced a look at his daughter he might’ve noticed her jaw dropping. Instead it was Daniel’s mother who pointed it out.


“Well gosh, sweetheart he’s right you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” she exclaimed. She placed a hand on Daniel’s forehead. “Do you have a fever?”


Daniel didn’t say anything. She couldn’t. Hon, young woman?? She couldn’t comprehend why they were acting like this.

Written by Flutterbest on 28 January 2018

The end (for now)

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