A Walk By the Old School
There she was just a-walking down the street
singin' doh wah diddy diddy dam diddy doh
snapping her fingers and shuffling to the beat
singin' doh wah diddy diddy dam diddy doh
You didn't bring an iFox, uhm iPod, but Fun Factory is still resounding in your head as you pull up in front of your apartment building with a few improvised dance steps and look up at the dark windows.
Looks like there's still nobody home. Doesn't matter though - you've found the attention you craved elsewhere. It's been roughly an hour since you went out, and now you have been around the block in two different directions, met a handful of people and basked in their attention. A boy even whistled at you, and when you showed your teeth and snarled back (just for fun), he laughed and called you a foxy lady.
This. Is. Fun.
This has to end some time. But not yet. You realize that after the effort you made to get out of the house in the first place, there is no going back. Once the vixen is back in the house she won't come out again. She'll be gone. History. Even if you get another transformation spell some time it won't be the same. You look at your reflection in a window and realize the vixen is a mayfly. This is her day, you should make it last.
This is her day. Or weekend. or week...
Whoa girl! You shake you head and remind yourself that you have to be back before Monday.
A bit calmer, you turn and look around. So this adventure has no breaks, but you hope it has brakes... Looks like this chapter has come to an end though. Time to move on. Besides you're getting hungry, and nature has started calling. The simple answers lie upstairs, but you have to find them elsewhere.
Giggling at the thought you had an hour ago, about things you wouldn't want to have to do as a vixen, you heft your purse and start crossing the street. Oh well, it wouldn't be much of an adventure if you only had to do things you liked...
Approaching the corner beyond which lie the main street and the bus stop, you realize that you don't know when the next bus is due, or which route it is for that matter. Not that you haven't got the schedules memorized, but you finally realize that you forgot to bring a watch and have completely lost track of time. Well, good thing this transformation doesn't have a strict time limit then. And as far as the buses are concerned, they are late more often than they are on time anyway. You'll just take the first one that arrives.
Reaching the corner, you pause briefly like you did before leaving the flat, and say:
"Walking Miss Foxie, Part Two. Take One. Action."
You round the corner and head for the bus stop two blocks down. Still pretty quiet. A couple of cars slow down a bit as they pass you.
Written by Won-Tolla on 08 March 2011