Bus Stop / Vulpine FAQ
There is a man sitting at the bus stop. He seems preoccupied with studying the cemetery on the other side of the street. You know some people don't like having a big memento mori that close, particularly not right where they are waiting for the bus every day, but others find it convenient for (what you call) ancestor worship, and the old people find comfort in the thought that they won't have to leave the neighborhood on their last journey.
Maybe having a cemetery in the neighborhood does have an effect on the people, you reflect as you sit down on the bench and drape your tail behind it. Maybe they are just as weird as you feel today, only you didn't notice before.
You look at the man, who does not appear to have noticed you yet. He seems oddly familiar, but then you are in your home district. Well, if you are going to do more than get seen from some distance and snarl at saucy youths, this looks like as good a place to start as any.
"Good morning," you murr cheerfully. "Lovely day isn't it?"
"It certainly is," he replies without turning. "Enjoying your free sample?"
Sample of the day? You fail to make the connection at first, then he turns around and smiles at you. It's the shop keeper.
You look down and blush, whimpering softly at the realization that he is probably the only one in town who knows who you are... and what you were...
"Now, now," he says in a friendly tone as he scratches your flattened ears. That feels good. No wonder dogs go for it. "Don't go all Hideki on me now!"
You look up with a curiosity strong enough to push your embarrassment into the shadow. "Hide who now?"
"Hideki Motosuwa from the manga Chobits."
"Can't say I have read that one..."
"Well, basically he's this nice guy who gets into some weird story. Being a country boy, he's used to being alone so he has a habit of thinking out loud. He also has this thing about being normal, so every time he's caught crossing a line he'll jump around yelling "Oh my God, you must think I'me some kind of pervert!""
You giggle. "Silly!"
"It's hilarious, considering he's actually pointing out the things he's trying to hide!"
Well, you think, you don't really point out anything. In fact... It just strikes you that you addressed yourself as "Girl" earlier, and you're starting to have problems with thinking of yourself as male.
"Do you think I'm weird?" you ask.
"Yes," he replies as he keeps scritching and moves his hand down your neck. That's really relaxing... "But then I'm weird too, so who am I to judge?"
"You're weird?" you ask, anticipating an Alice in Wonderland moment.
"I am a wizard. Weird is my middle name."
"Ah. Mister Weird Wizard."
"Actually I have a first name. It translates roughly as 'he who hates being taken literally'."
You decide to change the subject. "About your question..."
"Oh, I was just making conversation. The answer should be obvious. You have been transformed for what, two or three hours now? And here you are not just still at it, you are taking the next step. Am I right?"
You study your feet for a while. "Well, I thought I'd try going downtown... see more people... talk to someone..."
"One of three, right here." He studies your thoughtfully for a while and says quietly: "Let me know if you want to buy some fixative."
You look up. "Fix...?"
"Fixative. To make the spell permanent. This spray-on wash-off magic is fine for a while, but after a couple of days you're going to miss hot showers!"
Despite the fact that he's talking about hot water, his words send a chill down your spine - all the way to the tailtip. Sure, you've had thoughts like that, but to hear someone else say it...!
"I-I'm not burning any bridges," you stutter, "yet..." Darn! Why did you have to say that last word? "I'm, I'm just..."
"Enjoying a free sample?"
"Precisely! I'm not done being... the old me yet."
The wizard nods. "So you're saying it's a nice place to visit but you wouldn't want to live there?"
"Precisely!" Now that was a clear unambiguous statement. You bite your tongue to keep it from adding any obscure modifiers.
"Don't let it bother you. Many people would like to explore the other side, but few get the chance. Consider yourself a lucky lass."
"Long as I can be a lucky lad again some day. Tonight! I mean tonight!"
"Whatever you say, Hideki."
You stare intently at your toes as you feel your cheeks burning. Thank goodness for red fur!
"You have no problems being a fox though?"
"Well... not really. Not yet anyway."
"Case in point."
"Come again?"
"Just a minute. Ah, here is my visual aid now."
You turn to see what he's looking at, and see a big dog come walking down the street with a boy and a girl in tow. You realize that you recognize them and have to be careful not to show it.
The dog stops and sniffs at you, and gets a pat on the head for his efforts. (Canid communication breakthrough! Vixen pats dog! Film at six.) The girl smiles and says you're pretty, so you smile back and thank her while wagging your tail at her. The boy tries to look uninterested but can't hide his curiosity about you.
As the trio walks on, Mr. Weird Wizard turns to you and says: "One of the three is not like the others."
"The dog," you say quickly. "It's not human."
"Ah, but the girl was the only female."
You start saying something, then stop as you see his point. In a way you are more different from a human as a fox than you are from a man as a female. Or something.
"It's also a question of motivation," he continues. "There are people who do... that kind of change for a special reason. If you ask me, they are the weird ones. There are even those who... don't change their species, if you know what I mean."
"Thanks a lot," you quip. "That's gonna be a real comfort on Saturday nights. Are you sure you're not recruiting for a monastery?"
"I don't think you'd qualify today." He pauses and adds: "The bus is coming."
Written by Won-Tolla on 08 March 2011