From the Shadows
You watch from your hiding place as the stranger moves around the cave. As he illuminates more of the chamber, you begin to get a better feel for your surroundings, which will be useful if you end up needing to fight this mysterious other person. There appear to be three exits, one marked by a blue sun-like shape, another marked by a skull, and one that is unmarked. The other walls of the cavern are covered in a strange writing which, much to your dismay, your rival appears to be reading effortlessly.
The figure continues reading for a while longer before, suddenly, having a revelation: "Of course," he shouts, "the other vials." Then, in a flash, he darts down the unmarked corridor. Your first instinct is to follow him, but then again, he could have misread the markings. With your newfangled double memory, you might have a better shot at them. Or you could try one of the other two passages, just to be adventurous.
Written by Zodiac on 10 May 2008
The end (for now)