Waking Up
You wake up in the same cave as before. The now-empty goblet is now clenched tightly in your hand. You are sprawled on the floor, soaking wet. All vestiges of your fasting are gone, and the robes come closer than ever to fitting you. Your skin and hair, meanwhile, have turned dark blue.
You stand. An elegant stairway has appeared in what was once a wall of rock, and you ascend it gracefully. The stairway ends at a long hallway, which you follow. You aren't exactly sure why you're doing these things, only that you're doing them. Something--perhaps instinct, perhaps the now long-dead priestess echoing in your mind--drives you onward. The hallway dead-ends...or so it would seem...
There's a small hole in the floor of the cave, like the one you fell through the last time you turned into water. Maybe you could do it again. That thought is interrupted, however, as a shudder goes through your body. You stand immobile for a moment, and then dissolve into water again.
The opening leads to large, round cavern. Instead of staying liquid this time, your body immediately becomes solid again. Your robes, you note with some dismay, are still in the chamber above you, though. Apparently the water transformation doesn't effect clothes.
You look around--the chamber is illuminated by, strangely enough, a person. His back is to you, but you can tell that he's the only light source in the room. He hasn't noticed you yet, a fact you could turn to your advantage. But then, maybe you should approach him now. Ninjitsu is nice and all, but sometimes the situation calls for a bit more boldness.
Written by Zodiac on 06 April 2008