You needed to warm up some how.
"No complaining? I don't want to be a girl! I just want to be warm."
"Very well, warm it is."
You feel a mild tingle building deep within. It spreads out filling you completely with a growing warmth.
"Thanks. It was rather chilly."
"It's not done yet, and I'm sadly sure you won't be thankful when it is. You did agree to play by the rules though, so don't blame me when you aren't human anymore."
You feel a lurch in your gut and double over. The Warmth grows and you feel like you are burning up. Prickles spread across your body, enveloping you completely in a silvery grey fur with black rosettes. You watch as your hands draw in on themselves the nails growing out into retractable claws, the palms and tips of your fingers growing a thick padding. You're left with two very large feline paws as your arms shrink down and realign themselves for quadrupedal motion.
"Ah! What's going on!?"
"Well, you asked to be warm didn't you? I doubt there is a warmer animal on Earth."
You place your paws on the ground for balance as you feel the changes accelerating, soon your legs are following your arms. The hips morphing to your new style of locomotion, the thighs shortening significantly, followed by your shins, your feet elongating and solidifying as your ankles slide higher along your legs, and finally the toes and balls of your feet becoming large paws too.
A loud pop rolls along your back, changing its curves to the more simple and flexible shape of a Large Cat. You feel a building pressure in your backside, the cheeks exposed to the world as a small lump grows from the base of your tailbone. with a few small snaps your coccyx defuses and pushes it's way out, snaking back as it grows with bone, fur and flesh.
Soon you have a well balanced tail nearly a meter long, you stand a mere two feet off the ground, but your stocky body feels strong with it's longer hind and short fore legs built for leaping great distances with ease.
The last changes sweep up your neck and over your face widening your nasal passages, giving you short round ears, a feline muzzle, pointed teeth for hunting. You blink as your eyes become a pale grey, round like any other Big Cats.
You sit back on your haunches confused. "Mrreow?"
"Yes, indeed. You're a Snow Leopard, which will be perfect when you go back outside."
Before you the wall unhinges and slides open. The cold mountain path you had been walking to escape is in front of you. Looks like no matter what you do, you're bound to change. As a newly made Snow Leopard you step out into the cold, but what now?
Written by M on 02 January 2016
The end (for now)