You head down the hallway nervously. Something seems decidedly wrong...there are no doors in this hallway. It seems like a waste of perfectly good hallway not to put doors in it. Plus, no doors means no choices to make, just a long march toward the inevitability of whatever it is on the other side of the hallway.
To take your mind off the doorlesness of the hallway, you examine your surroundings. The hall is dark, but not too dark that you can't see anything--it's lit by a bluish glow from an unseen source. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all tiled in an intricate mosaic, telling some story or other that you can't quite follow. You get the impression that you've started in the middle and it's missing a few pages. You surmise that the mosaic really doesn't tell the story, merely recall it to those who already know it.
After an inordinate amount of walking, you come to what appears to be a dead end. The hallway certainly ends, but at the end is a small pool of water. You bend down to get a closer look, and see that at the pool's far wall is a tunnel. So the hallway doesn't really end...it just continues underwater! You dip a finger in the water--it's pleasantly warm. Do you want to get in and swim the rest of the way, or turn back and see if there's anything in the other directions?
Written by Zodiac on 18 January 2008