You head for the door to the west, and try to open it. It's locked. You try harder, and it still won't open. You put the full weight of your body against the door, in an effort to force it open. "Stop that!" The Voice yells, sounding a bit hurt. Is The Voice actually The House? And have you hurt it? "Brute strength won't help you here, you big ape!"
With that remark, you begin rapidly expanding, as dark fur prickles out of your skin. Your swelling body rips through your clothing as your skull reshapes itself. When all is said and done, you find yourself to be a gorilla. Great. The voice speaks again: "Locked doors can be opened, obviously, with a key. The key to this door is hidden in one of the other passages leading from this rotunda."
You lurch back to the center of the rotunda, and the instant you touch the compass rose, you're human again. There was no transformation either, you just ARE. You look back at the western door, and find that your ripped clothes age gone. Instead, they're back on you, completely intact. There's an interesting discovery: the compass rose will revert you back to your original form--assuming you can find it again from wherever you are when you transform. With that in mind, and knowing that the key to the western door is in the north, south, or east...where will you go?
Written by Zodiac on 02 December 2007