The Rock Creature
The thing you bump into appears to be a rather bulky human, except that he (you think it's a he) is made of stone. He was clumsily making his way down the stairs just as you were going up, so the two of you really had no choice but to bump into each other.
"Terribly sorry," says the creature, ever so politely. "I was just on my way down from a meeting regarding the--oh, but you wouldn't know about any of this, you're new. But, say, would you care to come with me? I'm on my way down to the rotunda, and then I'll be heading south from here, so if the north folks don't appeal to you--that is, if you're interested. Eh, that is, would you like to come with me or keep going on your own?"
Well, now that he's made that excellent case, will you follow Mr. Articulate, or keep going up?
Written by Zodiac on 18 January 2008