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North emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Okay, this is at least something familiar. You have been playing enough adventure games on your iMac to know that you should make a map and explore the maze methodically.


Only you don't have anything to make a map with. Still, no excuse for not being methodical. You just tried west, so north is next. Up the stairs. Just your kind of luck.


As you reach the stairs and start ascending slowly (preserving your energy in case it's a long walk) you ponder what you know of the place. The voice said you had been chosen to come here, but back in the cafeteria you had a vague memory of coming here with your friend on a dare. Not that one excludes the other, of course. Someone obviously put a lot of work into this...


You have just come far enough for the rotunda to get out of sight when you bump into something unexpected.

Written by Won-Tolla on 02 December 2007

A Rock Creature

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