The Dream
You stay in bed, which is a very good idea. The only way to truly escape the mansion is to forget it ever existed. That creepy voice will never have the chance to turn you into something else. You'll never hear that voice again in your life! You'll never know who it really is. You'll never know how such a thing as the mansion is possible, or where in the world it is, or how you got there, or what they wanted you for. Good riddance!
On the other hand, you'll never know what secrets this place held. You'll never know what you could have learned if you had only had the courage to go through the door.
Maybe...it's not...too...late. You make a half-hearted attempt to get out of the bed, but you're too far gone to change your mind. Within a minute, you'll be out like a light. You'll be back home, and you'll never even know you were here. So, goodnight.
Written by Zodiac on 15 January 2008
The end (for now)