The Voice's Choice
You're not sure how long you slept. You're not really sure if the bizarre cave, the the snowstorm, and the mansion were all part of the dream or not. You aren't sure of anything except the sensation of being jerked back to reality by the call of The Voice:
"Awaken." You obey. You're instantly blinded by the bright white light that pervades your new location. As your eyes adjust, The Voice continues. "You have been a bit of an annoyance to us of late. Generally, our subjects play by the rules of the game as we set them out. That's the way it's always been. Of course, we had measures in place in case someone, like you, tried to break the rules, but we don't especially like using them. However, you've managed to surprise us, and we do like surprises...to some extent."
The room is absurdly well lit, and after the cave it's taking quite a while for your eyes to adjust. You're still in the bed you went to sleep in the cave in, but your surroundings have changed. You're in a small room, barely big enough for the bed. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all made of some sort of white tile, with the pattern breaking only at the glass door across from you. Beyond the door is darkness. You can tell, even from under the covers, that the room is cold.
"We have decided, therefore, to give you the following choice. You stated earlier that you did not wish to be transformed. If that is still the case, then remain in bed. Within a few minutes, you will go back to sleep. When you next wake up, you will be in your own bed, in your own form, with your own life back. You will have no memory of this place and no further contact with it.
"If, on the other hand, you'd like to learn more about this place and what we want with you, go through the door. However, by doing so you accept us and our rules. We will, in essence, have total control over your mind and body, and there will be nothing you can do to stop us."
You really should just stay in bed. You can go home, and forget about this nightmare. Yes, that's what this must be, a nightmare. You can stay here and it will all be over. On the other hand...what's really behind that door? What is this incredible place, and most importantly, what's it all got to do with you?
Written by Zodiac on 15 January 2008