You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You are standing in a lush green pasture.
As soon as you get over the fence, you begin to feel a bit nauseous. You walk a bit until a gut-wrenching pain causes you to fall over. Your whole body begins itching as dark brown fur sprouts from your skin. Your rear end begins to swell causing your jeans to become tight.
Your shoes begin to burst open, revealing back toe nails. You begin to walk, but the tightness of your pants causes your pace to slow. Your toes feel numb and when you look down at them they begin to fuse into black hoofs.
Breathing becomes hard and every breath you take causes your chest to expand more until you shirt becomes tight.
Your neck begins to bulk up and push forward until your shirt collar bursts. You feel immense pain as something begins to push out above your rear. Suddenly, your pants burst revealing your dark brown hide and a long, black, silky horse tail that runs down to your ankles.
Your chest expands some more and your gut begins to swell. Your shirt bursts open.
With the front part of your pants still on, you begin to feel a swelling down below. It pushes forward leaving a definite bulge in your pants.
Your chest begins to swell some more as well as your buttocks as your muscles bulge, with your rear and torso swelling to stallion like proportions. This forces you to fall over due to the mass of your upper body.
You are now lying on your side as you hear a crack in your pelvis as it reforms itself for quadrupedal walking.
By now, your pants have fallen off, but your neck lengthens some more, preventing you from seeing your changes down below as they enlarge some more.
Your tail begins swishing automatically. Black hair begins to sprout from you neck forming a mane. You feet and legs begin to elongate and your veins begin to bulge under your skin as horse blood flow from your massive heart.
Your fingers go numb and you try to spread them apart, but to no avail. They begin to fuse together and you scream as you feel the bones in your fingers moving through your skin to fuse together. Your scream, though, comes out as a bray of pain.
Your arms then lengthen until they equal the size of your legs. Your vision begins to blur as your feel your irises enlarge. Your ears stretch back until they are pointed.
Brown fur sprouts all over your face and ears. Your hair turns black and thick like your mane.
Your ears stretch back some more until they reach the top of your head. Your vision blurs further and your nose flares outwards. Your front teeth elongate into long slabs disproportionate with your mouth, forcing your jaw apart.
Your face pushes out even further. Your nose darkens as well as your lips. They stretch out to meet each other and become rubbery. Your nostrils enlarge filling you with a deep breathe. Your face pushes out even further causing your eyes to go in different directions as they blur even further.
The veins running down your face bulge. Your jaw swells and your try to scream, but a high pitched whinny comes out. Your tongue stretches out to meet your teeth.
Your chest, neck, head, and rear give a final bulge and the transformation stops. You get up and stand on your four hooves, a stallion.
You look back with your eyes to see your massive flanks and long elegant tail swishing back and forth.
Realisation hits you and your realize that your are a 1000lb horse, an animal. Your thoughts get clouded by the powerful scents of other horses both female and male and by the massive rumbling in your stomach.
You also realize that some of the females are in season as your thoughts become further clouded by their pungent odours, but in the back of your mind, you need to get back, you want to get out.
As the more powerful, bestial mind of the horse begins to take over, you begin to feel right, that you belong here. What do you do next?
Written by Equine on 05 May 2005
Attempt to Escape
You turn your giant body around and see the white fence you just broke through. Your mind is quickly fading, so you gallop towards it. You rear up and break through the fence.
You are back in the spot you were earlier. The fence is already fixed, no sign of your so called 'bustage'. You think clearly...
"WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON??!!!"
...Only to see that you are still a horse.
What do you do???
Written by Another Guy Like You on 20 June 2008
If at First...
It didn't work. Going over the fence changed you, so going back through it should have changed you again, but it didn't work. In desperation, you try it once more, crashing back through the fence and adding a few more bruises to your new front legs. When you turn around, you still do it on four hooves. The fence is whole and unbroken.
All right, maybe you have to not smash the fence when you cross it. After all, if you were a magical picket fence, you probably wouldn't be too happy about big stallions punching holes in you.
Obviously, you can't climb the fence without arms. You'll have to jump it. You back up to get a running start, then lunge forward, hooves pounding the earth, and leap-
-Hey, you think as you easily clear the fence, this is way better than anything I could do before-
-And land on the other side, slamming into the ground with all four hooves.
You stand there for a second, panting slightly, until...
Written by Chrysalis on 25 November 2008
...You Don't Succeed
Nothing. You're still a horse.
You search the other horses' faces for some sign of intelligence, some sign that one of them understands what's going on - after all, if it happened to you, it could have happened to them. They stare at you with a sort of blank curiosity. A few of them chew absent mindedly. There aren't any other ex-humans there, or if there are, they've forgotten. It looks like this is a one-way trip. You're stuck here as a stupid horse, a stupid male horse, with all the other stupid horses.
Though now that you think about it, there are worse things than spending your life with a herd like that. You could at least give it a try. It couldn't hurt to just go and eat with them for a few minutes. Your stomach's larger than it's ever been, and it's completely empty. You could fill it with some of that lovely green grass that's making your mouth water. It's not as if you have anything better to do right now. (Come to think of it, did you before?) Maybe you could meet some of those mares...
Written by Chrysalis on 25 November 2008
You've already started trotting back towards the fence when you realize what you're thinking. Eat grass? Live in a herd? Not if you have anything to say about it.
Of course, it looks like it's only a matter of time before you won't have anything to say about it - or about anything else, for that matter. You've lost the ability to speak, and you're quickly losing the ability to think. You can't even remember what you were doing before you climbed the fence. You don't want to spend the rest of your life as a horse. You want to talk again, to stand on two legs again, to have those... you know... those little pink wiggly things... Fingers! That's it.
You are losing your mind.
There's only one thing left to do: panic and run like a lunatic. That's exactly what you do. You rear up on your hind legs, flail your hooves in the air, and let out a long scream of a whinny that frightens all the other horses away. You don't even notice. You're off running before your front hooves even touch the ground. All you want is to get away from that cursed fence, away from the shop and the tree and the whole insane place...
After a while, you forget why you're running. You just run. On and on, four legs moving in perfect rhythm, punching the ground away behind your hooves, your mane flying in the wind... It's surprisingly relaxing. You can't even remember what you were upset about before. You want to just run and run, forever, and maybe stop to eat some grass eventually. You're disappointed when you reach a white picket fence and have to stop. In some small piece of your mind, you feel like there's something wrong about this fence being here, but you don't really care, because there are other horses behind it. You like other horses. Especially the mares. You jump the fence easily, landing in the lush field on the other side. The other horses look at you inquisitively. You ignore them for now; instead, you lean down and take a bite of the sweet green grass. There'll be plenty of time to get to know them after your stomach's full.
Written by Chrysalis on 25 November 2008
The end (for now)