You've already started trotting back towards the fence when you realize what you're thinking. Eat grass? Live in a herd? Not if you have anything to say about it.
Of course, it looks like it's only a matter of time before you won't have anything to say about it - or about anything else, for that matter. You've lost the ability to speak, and you're quickly losing the ability to think. You can't even remember what you were doing before you climbed the fence. You don't want to spend the rest of your life as a horse. You want to talk again, to stand on two legs again, to have those... you know... those little pink wiggly things... Fingers! That's it.
You are losing your mind.
There's only one thing left to do: panic and run like a lunatic. That's exactly what you do. You rear up on your hind legs, flail your hooves in the air, and let out a long scream of a whinny that frightens all the other horses away. You don't even notice. You're off running before your front hooves even touch the ground. All you want is to get away from that cursed fence, away from the shop and the tree and the whole insane place...
After a while, you forget why you're running. You just run. On and on, four legs moving in perfect rhythm, punching the ground away behind your hooves, your mane flying in the wind... It's surprisingly relaxing. You can't even remember what you were upset about before. You want to just run and run, forever, and maybe stop to eat some grass eventually. You're disappointed when you reach a white picket fence and have to stop. In some small piece of your mind, you feel like there's something wrong about this fence being here, but you don't really care, because there are other horses behind it. You like other horses. Especially the mares. You jump the fence easily, landing in the lush field on the other side. The other horses look at you inquisitively. You ignore them for now; instead, you lean down and take a bite of the sweet green grass. There'll be plenty of time to get to know them after your stomach's full.
Written by Chrysalis on 25 November 2008
The end (for now)