A moment later, there was static coming out of the radio's speakers, followed by a very muffled broadcast.
"HIDEOUT...ARCADIA SURVIVORS...COORDINATES..." The broadcast went on to list a long number, though it was extremely hard to hear. Percy looked ecstatic, and was crazily writing down the numbers in the dirt before the signal went out.
"DAMN IT!" She cursed, looking over the coordinates. "There's a hideout for survivors... It could be a trap, but we've gotta check it out! They might be able to help you. There's a drug you can take, and..."
Percy went on to explain a drug to clear the mind-altering effects of the 'Ascension' surgery. You didn't quite understand all the technical mumbo-jumbo, but it would be nice to have a place you could call home. She spend the entire morning plotting out a map out of mud, trying to wrack her brain as to where exactly the hideout was located. "Gonna be tough without the exact coordinates... but 'ol Percy is smarter than you'd think!"
You decided to cook the meat you had brought for her because she refused to eat it raw and shared it together for lunch. By mid-afternoon, Percy came up with a few approximate locations, but they were all relatively far away. She explained it all to you, but you didn't really get it--your mind was foggy at best. You promised to protect her and follow her and she seemed amused to have a bodyguard.
The two of you spent the next several days scouting out several different locations, but to no avail. Your journey was becoming more and more difficult; your nightmares became worse every night, and you found yourself sleepless and predatory every time you woke from a nightmare. Percy tried to keep you grounded, but you felt your human consciousness slipping with each day.
One afternoon, the two of you were trekking across a small stream to the next possible hideout location, but were spotted by a human. The human screamed and your instincts told you that the human was a threat. You didn't think or speak, but instead dashed off to attack the human, despite Percy's warnings for you to get away.
Written by Merieth on 11 June 2018
The end (for now)