Response to the Hunt
You continued your prowl until a hint of morning light filtered through the treetops and dragged the remains of a few small kills you made during the night with you, thinking of Percy. Over the course of your hunt, it became normal--natural--to hunt, to kill, to devour your prey, but you would soon learn that Percy would not feel the same.
She woke up when the sun rose above the forest, streaking and yawning and groaning before sniffing the air and hacking. "Ugh! What is that SMELL?" She turned her head and saw a small pile of mangled corpses beside her and her fur pricked up. "What the hell?! D-Did you... Did you HUNT?" She stared at you in disbelief, horror and concern.
You nodded, your tail swaying back and forth in the air. You hoped that she would praise you for your efforts.
But she smacked her forehead and sighed. "You're worse than I thought." She mumbled to herself for a while and started fidgeting with one of her many gadgets that she'd stuffed in her jacket before escaping. "Got a buncha prototype stuff with me. Worked on it a bit, but I dunno if it'll work..." she turned one of the knobs and you narrowed your eyes--it looked like she was holding a very crude radio.
"Listen. There's a way to help you, but that means you can't give into those...urges. Don't hunt anymore. You're NOT a beast! Don't forget WHO YOU ARE!" She growled at you, still focused on the radio.
Who you are? You're you. Even in this new form, you're still you...
...or are you already beginning to forget?
You blinked slowly and lowered your head, feeling ashamed at the rush you felt with every animal you crushed with your claws and apologized.
Written by Merieth on 08 June 2018