A final turn down a hallway and through an unblocked doorway lands you in a room with no other exit and a collapsed wall leading to the second floor. You try again and again to grab at the ledge on the top of wall to gain elevation. The APC is finally bogged down by the debris but the furs are still behind you. Unable to get away and given no choice but to fight you turn toward the doorway, ready to pounce as soon as they step through. With your heart racing you draw your claws. As soon as they draw near, however, the instability caused by feline steps through. Her body disappears before you and the cloud of dust kicked up by the collapse blinds you for a moment. Her gun is tossed forward in commotion, landing at your feet. You're dead tired from the chase and the loss of blood has you uneasy. The ground seems to shake as your footing eludes you. You decide to sit, presumably before you fall. The trash shifts under you and your sitting becomes laying, which soon becomes sleeping as you pass out from exhaustion.
You don't wake until the suns have already set, leaving you in the somewhat dark night of two full moons. The greenish glow on the faces of the moons is reflected on the broken concrete and scattered leavings around you in the small room you sit in. The roof of the building is missing and the moons are plainly visible through the large second story gap. Tinges of immediate pain cover you like a dark shroud as you attempt to stand. Though you are in great pain you are thankful for your body healing the open wounds. You've stopped bleeding but you're still far beyond tender.
Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 11 November 2013