Several glances are tossed your way by the group before their gaze is redirected to the older Vulpine, who is now raising his voice and becoming clearly feral in his argument. It is painfully obvious at this point that the group does not care for your presence. You can sense their hostility and uncertainty. Every one of them tighten their grip on their weapons and some tap a footpaw anxiously on the ground. In a moment you make your decision; escape. A quick dash to the side leaves nothing but a shadow of you on the wall by which you had just stood. A shot rings out and a small pain creeps into the edge of your arm as fur flies from your bicep. The hit causes you to tumble for a moment. Touching down you roll and collect yourself into a sprint toward the tunnel entrance. The older Vulpine stands in front of the group and stops them from firing but your senses and instincts deny you the opportunity to turn about. You sprint up and into the green light once more, ducking between rubble and debris. A crashing sound from your left flank catches you off guard and you miss your step. The rocks under you do you no favors and your fur and skin is torn. Your legs and sides are bleeding with several deep gashes but you can only stand to confront the sound that had broadsided you.
As you look up the only thing you can see is the large steel panel of the APC from earlier and as each rivet, gear, piston, and wheel grinds closer you take off again. Your side keeps you from running properly and as you limp around corners the vehicle is right on your tails. Mere feet remain between you and the beast when you duck into a large thick walled building. You're more than sure that they cannot break through the wall. Just as you turn to look back toward the entrance, you're greeted by the APC crashing straight through the doorway with almost no effort. You have nowhere to go. The walls in the building are made like a maze; a prison. Almost every doorway is blocked by collapsed boards and the trash on the floor makes hobbling throughout the building even more intensely painful. Your breath has left you by now and each step keeps it from you while your pursuers follow closely enough to nearly taste your flesh.
Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 10 November 2013