Right in time to get a whole lot furrier.
This turns out to be the exact wrong thing to wonder, as your body cracks and pops again, a new change running through it. Your hips and shoulders pop loudly, and you 're sent from a bipedal stance to one on all fours with a loud huff.
Your hands thump against the soft grass before yourself and immediately begin to change, your fingers swelling and palms becoming the plush pads of an animal. You look down in shock as your arms begin to thin to more wolflike proportions, and you realize that you 're not even close to out of the water.
The knowledge of your changes brings with them the vivid sensation of transformation, and you feel your muscles tense and your bones creak all over your body. Perhaps the most intense feeling of change comes from your legs, which are not only thinning just as your arms had, but are also transforming in an entirely inhuman way.
The back halves of your feet are growing away from the front halves, stretching out longer and longer. As if to compensate for this growth, the rest of your legs begin to shrink, losing mass and size until they look just like a set of normal dog legs.
And of course the changes don 't stop there. Your hourglass figure barrels out into the muscled canine torso of a wolf, and you groan and huff as your organs change with it. The most noticeable transformation here happens to your heart and lungs, and you feel your pulse quickening as you begin to take sharper and quicker breaths, panting just like a dog.
Of course, this isn 't nearly the last of your changes. Your neck cracks oddly upward, facing dead ahead just like a dog 's. Worse, your head begins to shrink, a feeling not unlike brain freeze resounding throughout your ever-shrinking skull.
For what it 's worth, you can 't help but appreciate the fact that you 're just as smart as you used to be, which is at least one plus. After all, it could be worse; you could be losing your mind and instincts to those of the animal you 're becoming.
You wag your tail at the thought and growl lowly, realizing that you might be picking up at least a few canine habits. Then again, if that lets you cope in your new body...
Your train of thought comes to a screeching halt as you realize that you just growled, and with a thrill of horror you try and say your own name. "Ruff! " A bark escapes your lips, and you realize that you 've completely lost the capacity for human speech, instead only able to bark like the canine you 've become.
So much for calling for help... Or contacting any human society, for that matter. You growl again and whine loudly, feeling your multiple breasts dwindle away until they 're just bumps on your chest. Thankfully, this seems to be the last of your changes, and you pant tiredly as you begin to grow accustomed to this form, hoping that it 's not going to be anything permanent.
Of course, if it is, that means that you need to get used to this new body...
Written by SketchySeraph on 19 April 2016