But the Transformation Isn't Done With You Yet
You shudder as you realize that your body still aches, that your every nerve still tingles with the need to be changed. You groan and feel a strange ache in your backside, glancing to your posterior to find that your tailbone is beginning to lengthen; growing a new fur covered limb.
Having realized what you're becoming, you easily can guess that you're growing a canine tail, and you clench the muscles behind you instinctively, trying to wag it. To your surprise, it obeys your thoughts, slowly swaying from side to side as it lengthens, like a hypnotizes nake you've charmed.
You wag it a little more as it lengthens further, growing long and shaggy fur that matches the unkempt black hair atop your head. Then you pet it, shuddering at how real it all feels. Somehow the addition of a new limb is even more shocking a change than the reshaping of your skull, and you begin to wonder what else this transformation has in store for you.
You shouldn't have tempted fate.
Almost immediately, you notice that your chest is tingling, and you look down to find a pair of rather perky breasts swelling into existence on your chest. You can't help but let out a slight gasp at the sensation, and you shudder at the sensation of your new breasts moving with the intake of air.
Of course, this only sends another ripple of motion through your newly made mammaries, and you find yourself chewing on your lip in confusion, wondering what sort of werewolf needs breasts.
You have your answer a second later as your groin aches, and you let out a loud moan. You feel your maleness pull inward, and with that sharp sensation you're left with an undeniably set of female privates.
It seems that this is something the rest of your body is eager to go along with, as your muscles lose some of their bulk; though none of their tone, you notice absently. Your shoulders shrink and your hips flare as you gain an hourglass figure that your male self would have lusted over.
Strangely enough, as a female you don't really feel that much towards your new form, aside for that innate narcissistic pride that comes from knowing you're attractive. You move your clawed hands up to your furry breasts curiously, holding their hefty weight in your palms and marveling that some women are able to live with these.
Then you frown, realizing that you are now a woman who has to live with these. The thought seems to send another change through your form, and you groan as your chest aches just below your first two breasts.
You recognize the sensation from earlier, that swelling feeling of growth. And, a part of your brain recognizes that this makes sense: you're a wolf-woman, so you should probably have wolf teats rather than human breasts. But none of that helps you cope with the fact that you're growing two new pairs of breasts, each smaller than the pair above it.
The changes wind to a halt again, and you groan at the odd feeling of this undeniably gorgeous female body-well, gorgeous so long as you're into the furry form. It's a strange thought that you'd never imagined having, and you wonder just how furry you really are...
Written by SketchySeraph on 18 April 2016