You approached the bed and checked out the window. It was getting close to sunset. “Did that much time pass? It didn’t feel like it.” Then again, the Digital World was different from the real world, and you lost track of the passage of time the moment you were dumped here. With a heavy sigh, you plopped onto the bed, making sure not to crush your tail this time.
Not the softest of mattresses, but you expected as much. This was a village full of what you assumed to be a ragtag bunch of misfits, not an organized society. You stretched your body, the soreness of walking around gradually disappearing. “Phew… I needed this…” Laying down made you realize perhaps you were more tired and probably hungrier than you thought. Maybe this moment of rest would do some good. Couldn’t find answers with a tired mind and an empty stomach.
Glancing off to the side, you took note of a closet. In the crack, there was something hanging up. “Now, wait a moment,” you said, getting off the bed, “What’s a Digimon doing with clothes?” You went over and opened it completely. Sure enough, one whole article of clothing was on a hanger. Curiously, you removed it and spread it out in front of you. You recognized the costume as a Greek Sphinx meant to be worn as a human. “That’s… odd. What’s Guilmon doing with this?”
You briefly considered putting it on to try it out but ultimately decided against it. You stored the Sphinx costume back into the closet and returned to bed. Last night, you were just an ordinary person getting through life like anyone else. Now, you were a Renamon in the Digital world in a mysterious forest, joining forces with other Digimon who seemed oblivious to your plight. “Who knew a life could change so dramatically?” You mumbled to yourself, “I hope I manage to get out of this somehow without losing my sanity.”
You stared out my window at the twilight until sleep finally overtook you, knowing Guilmon would wake you up when the food was ready.
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 08 April 2016