
In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Fictional Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for
Element: Land
Type: Fictional
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 01 January 1970
Female Fictional Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are fictional land creatures.
- Uraby(yu-gi-oh)
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
You slip on gloves that have the yin-yang simple on them. Suddenly fur shoots up your arm. You try and get the gloves off but fail.
You begin to scratch furiously as fur continues to spread across your body. Your chest is soon covered in white fur, which begins to grow thicker and ruffle up around your neck. On each shoulder, 3 "Spikes" of fur extend outward. Your fingers begin to merge together, forming 3 fingered paws with claws. You flex them.
The rest of you upper body, with the exception of your head, is now covered in yellow fur.
The itching sensation begins to extend down toward your waist.
You quickly throw the rest of your clothes off, not wanting them to get ruined as a yellow tail with a white tip extends from your spine. As the yellow fur continues down your legs, a stylized black ying yang symbol appears on your upper thighs. Your feet, now covered in white fur, begin to remould into digitigrade paws.
You can see in a nearby mirror that from the neck down it looks like you're wearing a costume of the anime character renamon, but seemed to have forgotten the mask.
That quickly begins to change though as you feel the bones in your head starting to shift. You yell out in pain as your hear them crack and restructure, making your head more vulpine. Your ears move up and extend outward. The yellow fur quickly grows all over your newly formed fox head, with white ear tips and a dark zigzag pattern underneath each eye.
Soon you are a full Renamom.
Written by on 04 September 2005
Fall asleep
Your body aches with dull pain as the last bits of the transformation is carried out. Soon enough, the costume you put on is virtually indistinguishable for your own body. You gawked at your hands and flexed your newly formed claws. “W-Wha… What is this?!” You rush to the nearest mirror in your room to confirm your worst nightmare, you had been transformed into a carbon copy of Renamon. As you run your hands over your new body, your heart races as you come to the shocking realization that this is indeed your body. Every tuft of fur belongs to you. With a held breath, you turn around and look your shoulder. If you had any lingering doubt, it was thrown out of the window. Extending from your tailbone was a giant, fluffy tail. When you willed it, it waved. Definitely yours.
“H-How the heck did this happen?!” You cry out, trying to wrap your mind around these improbable circumstances. “All I did was put on a stinkin’ costume!” You scratch at your new fur, trying to find anything that could help remove or reserve the transformation, but to no avail. You actually winced, feeling how sharp your claws were. This was beyond a prank. There was some sort of magic, witchcraft, or sorcery at work. It was the only explanation you could find.
Then, all of a sudden, you felt lightheaded, your inner voice telling it was best to get some rest. A haze started to fill your mind, lulling you to sleep. You glanced over at the clock on your desk to see it was eight o’clock PM. It was still early, and you never recalled your biological clock working like this before. Then again, all the other times you had neglected sleep, you wound up regretting it in the morning. “Let’s just say I fell asleep in my cereal bowl and leave it at that.” You said inwardly.
You shook your head, realizing off-track you were getting. “Wait, why am I talking about? I need to figure out what’s going on and how to fix it!” Unfortunately, the minute you took a step, your head swam. Your inner voice was telling you to please get some sleep and worry about it in the morning. Thinking with a heavy head did no favors.
With an exasperated sigh, you trudged over to your bed. You wobbled a little unaccustomed to your new biology, even falling over literally inches from your bed. You groped around and grabbed the mattress itself, pulling yourself up. Taking no more chances, you threw yourself onto an array of pillows and blankets. An animalistic hiss escaped your mouth as you felt the weight of your body on your tail. You instantly turn over on your side and massage the sore appendage. That was apparently something you would have to get used to for the time being.
The dull ache persisting within your new body finally died down, and you released a sigh of content. Now that you were relaxing, you mulled over this bizarre situation. You put on the costume to check and see if it fit for a convention later on this week. Of course, you bought the ensemble over the Internet on Ebay since neither you nor any of your friends had expertise in textile work. This was the cheapest find, and nothing in the description alluded to it being infused with some magical mumbo-jumbo that apparently turned you into a Renamon herself.
“Dang, man, what am I going to tell everyone else?” Your thoughts naturally drifted to your friends and family. Obviously, you couldn’t go out and tell them you’re you without them calling the police or animal control. Nobody would believe you. You trembled, and your heart beat faster at the notion of the people closest to you ostracizing you like an outcast. Quite frankly, it frightened you.
You managed to get under the covers but neglected to turn off the nightstand. All there was left to do was to get some sleep. Unfortunately, the chilling events that just transpired were still fresh on your mind. You couldn’t be blamed. Sleep was the last thing on your mind, but it was begging for it. Perhaps the answer will come to you in a dream? Will the transformation reserve after a good night’s rest? As you contemplated these slightly more hopeful possibilities, you were put at ease. After all, you needed something pleasant to think about, or you’d definitely have a nasty case of insomnia. That wouldn’t help at all.
Eventually, after just lying there for about six or seven minutes, you thought about the convention again. Your group of friends were going as the cast of Digimon Tamers with you as Renamon. You got stuck with the role because you all literally drew names out of a hat. Not that you were complaining. The convention was supposed to be awesome. Practically every scrap of Digimon media was going to be featured. Nothing but fun and wilding out as fans.
This is what you fell asleep thinking about.
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 30 March 2016
In the mirror
You woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and a soft breeze blowing across your face.
“Urgh. What the… heck?” You groaned weakly, feeling the oppressiveness of nature in the morning. “Where am I- Oh, goodness, way too bright.”
You lifted hands – or, rather, claws up – to cover your face and shield it from the harsh glare of the morning sun before slowly sitting up.
“Hey, wait a second here…” At this point, you noticed something amiss. It was early Spring, so the sun should not be this powerful. You also never let your window open to allow breezes unless you really needed to. Yesterday night was not one of those rare moments.
You tried to open your eyes without using your hands as shields, only to immediately slam them shut again to keep out the sudden bombardment of sunlight. Yet another amorally. Your window to the room was on the back wall. There was no way the light could be shining in your face.
Hanging your head down so your face was aligned with what you hoped to be the room floor, you blinked your eyes clear. You ran one of your hands vigorously down your face, forehead, and even chin in attempt to get yourself completely awake and investigate the cause of the mysteriously harsh sunlight.
Your eyes got big as saucer plates. Your hands were still furry with claws. Yep, you were still a Renamon. This wasn’t a dream. Last night was harsh reality.
With a shriek, you immediately jumped up. Maybe a little too fast as all the blood suddenly rushed out of your brain. Losing your balance, you frantically grabbed for something to brace up against. The first thing you found was a huge tree.
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 31 March 2016
Freak Out
You did a double take. “Hold on… A tree!?” After you regained your composure, you took a moment to observe your surroundings. You found out you were in the middle of a forest. A nice forest, in fact. The gaps in the upper canopies allowed the morning light to filter in. Apparently, the tree you were propped on was the one you were sleeping against. “…Am I in a Disney movie?” You asked yourself. This forest seemed too nice. It was kind of bright and cheery. “Or am I in a nature documentary?” After all, it was apparently real. Your eyes shot open, and then you looked around constantly. Eventually, you stopped your frenetic searching and sighed in relief. “Okay, so nobody found me and placed me in a nature preserve. That’s good.”
That did little to explain the fact you were in the middle of a forest with no memory or explanation of how you got here.
“So where’s my flippin’ room?” You ask. But immediately after that, you began to consider that, maybe, finding your room was the least of concerns. You still had no explanation for the Renamon costume assimilating into your body. Now, this.
At this point, you think your brain stopped from overload.
One normally cannot remember much of what happens afterward, but you do vaguely recall doing what every sane human being does in moments of hopelessness – run, cry, and scream. You tried to wake yourself up from you convinced yourself to be one elaborate nightmare. You think that involved pinched yourself, slamming your head against the tree, and biting on your tail. You came to only after throwing yourself into a lake.
The water did not wake up. As you concluded before your moment of insanity, this was real.
“Great. Just great.” You lied there in the shallow part of the lake, staring up the sky. “This isn’t a dream. I’m in the middle of some random forest. Lost, alone, and stir-crazy. My costume is a parasite, and I smell like a wet dog!” Slamming your arm on the water, you decided wallowing in a lake would get you nowhere. You dragged yourself out of the lake and, almost instinctively, shook all the water off of your fur.
Once you were done, you pondered over your vexing situation. “Okay, so this is real as real can get. Now what? … Well, I can’t just sit here. Gotta take initiative. Gotta find something.”
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 01 April 2016
Find a Path
You really hoped this ‘something’ could answer more questions than it’d raise. Getting yourself ready, you searched for anything that resembled a pathway of some sort. It didn’t take long – you spotted a small opening in the trees a short distance off. It certainly didn’t look like a marked pathway, but the way the branches were parted and the grass seemingly pressed down made you think someone used it. At a total lack of options, you went that way. After a while, you started to regret it as one misfortune after another piled on. Your newly acquired abundance of hair was getting tangled up in bushes, branches, and other lovely things. Your tail didn’t get off much better. Your fifth appendage seemed to have a mind of its own, and it insisted on wrapping itself around tree trunks until you forcibly pulled it off.
You still had yet to find a proper road or any passersby. You growled an animalistic growl and raked at your head. “GAH! This is not home! Where’s civilization? Where are the buildings? Where is the nice neighborhood?! Where in God’s name am I?!”
These were the simple you asked yourself as you trudged through the landscape, ignoring its simple, picturesque beauty.
“This day is officially terrible.” You groaned, sighed, and then continued to walk in the random direction you had chosen. You walked for what you assumed was another couple of minutes, sun burning down on you and your new coat of fur. You had to admit, though, it was all a nice change of pace. You weren’t even getting hot and sweaty.
You suddenly stopped dead in your tracks. The path you were following now led down the side of a hill, so you were able to overlook the valley below. At the base, you spotted a single plume of smoke. “Smoke means fire. And fire means civilization! I did it!”
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 02 April 2016
Run to the Smoke
Throwing caution to the wind, you ran down the hill as fast as you could.
And tripped.
And somersaulted the rest of the way down.
“Ow, my face…” You groaned in pain as you got yourself into an upright position. Then, your nose picked up on the scent of cooking. You blinked, slowly looking around your surroundings in confusion. “Wait, what? Cooking? How could I already be smell- Oh wait…”
A moment of insight. Renamon was a vulpine, or foxlike, Digimon. Foxes were canines like dogs. Like any other canine, they had a really powerful nose. It was yet another reminder of how inhuman you were. Finding your way back home wasn’t even your first concern; you were more worried about the fact that you hadn't exactly found a way to become human again. Everything else would fall into place.
Regardless, you found yourself on a slightly more worn path where the grass was actually replaced with dirt. Right in front of you was an entire village. There were fourteen wooden huts, seven on each side of the 'street' (the dirt path in the middle). In the center of the 'street' was a rather large bonfire with a pot of something boiling above it.
“Finally! Someone can—“ As soon as you took your first step, you froze up. You had no clue if these residents were human or not. If they were, you could kiss your freedom goodbye.
During that moment of hesitance, someone called, “Hello, friend!”
You spun and raised an eyebrow at what you saw. “Oh my goodness,” you muttered, eyes going wide.
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 03 April 2016
You started to laugh. You couldn’t help it. You were being approached by one of the best Guilmon cosplayers ever. He wasn’t even walking upright, and his red body appeared anatomically correct. “Sorry, sorry,” you said quickly as the Guilmon frowned. “Am I in the way of your photo shoot or something? Could you direct me to a way out?”
“Uh…” The Guilmon droned, titling his head in confusion. “I’m sorry, miss, but—”
“Oh, hold on now,” you corrected, getting serious again, “I’m a guy. Let’s get that straight.”
Guilmon’s ear perked up like a real animal. He sounded much younger, somewhere in his early teens or adolescence. “Really? I was under the impression Renamon were a female-only race.”
You deadpanned. “That explains why my chest feels heavier.” So not only did the costume alter your species, but also your gender. Perfect, just perfect.
Despite the overwhelming evidence against the contrary, you still weren’t sold on the idea this was a Guilmon in front of you. You examined him more closely. His claws on his hands and feet gleamed in the sunlight. The slightest of movements made his visible muscles contract. Not even a skintight suit could produce that effect. And when Guilmon, patient Guilmon, snorted, actual smoke came out of his nostrils.
“There’s no way…” This wasn’t a cosplayer and, as you looked around, you noticed other Digimon meandering around minding their own business.
You were in the Digimon universe. Likely the Digital World itself.
No way, you kept thinking all a mantra of madness. There was no way you were in a fictional world. This wasn’t a novel, TV show, or any medium of fiction. You kept thinking to yourself your friends would come out anytime and tell you you’ve been punked.
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 04 April 2016
You started to laugh. You couldn’t help it. You were being approached by one of the best Guilmon cosplayers ever. He wasn’t even walking upright, and his red body appeared anatomically correct. “Sorry, sorry,” you said quickly as the Guilmon frowned. “Am I in the way of your photo shoot or something? Could you direct me to a way out?”
“Uh…” The Guilmon droned, titling his head in confusion. “I’m sorry, miss, but—”
“Oh, hold on now,” you corrected, getting serious again, “I’m a guy. Let’s get that straight.”
Guilmon’s ear perked up like a real animal. He sounded much younger, somewhere in his early teens or adolescence. “Really? I was under the impression Renamon were a female-only race.”
You deadpanned. “That explains why my chest feels heavier.” So not only did the costume alter your species, but also your gender. Perfect, just perfect.
Despite the overwhelming evidence against the contrary, you still weren’t sold on the idea this was a Guilmon in front of you. You examined him more closely. His claws on his hands and feet gleamed in the sunlight. The slightest of movements made his visible muscles contract. Not even a skintight suit could produce that effect. And when Guilmon, patient Guilmon, snorted, actual smoke came out of his nostrils.
“There’s no way…” This wasn’t a cosplayer and, as you looked around, you noticed other Digimon meandering around minding their own business.
You were in the Digimon universe. Likely the Digital World itself.
No way, you kept thinking all a mantra of madness. There was no way you were in a fictional world. This wasn’t a novel, TV show, or any medium of fiction. You kept thinking to yourself your friends would come out anytime and tell you you’ve been punked.
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 05 April 2016
Are you ok?
“Um, are you okay?” Guilmon asked politely, ripping you away from your thoughts. You shook your head, hoping it came off as an affirmative. The dinosaur Digimon smiled. "So, where are you from? This place is rather out of the way. Are you a traveler?"
You fell silent, trying to figure out what exactly to say. The truth was out of the question. Running on the assumption humans were an alien species, telling Guilmon you woke up this morning as a Renamon in the middle of the forest would raise too many red flags. “Yeah, that would go over well. They'd probably think I'm crazy! I'd wind up in a hut with padded walls!”
Guilmon seemed to notice the rather perplexed look on your face. “Excuse me?” He said, interrupting your train of thoughts. “Would perhaps some food and water put you at ease? You seem troubled.”
That put you at ease. “Well, I am kinda hungry.” Who knows how long this whole ‘adventure’ lasted so far?
Guilmon held out his hand. "Then let’s go!” You took his hand and were guided through the village. Dredging up the faintest parts of your brain, you thought it looked similar to the Primary Village where all Digi-Eggs went. At this point, a few of the other 'villagers' had come up to give you their warmest welcome as well. None of them seemed to be a level higher than Rookie. If they were Champion, then they were similar to Gatomon in that regard.
You suddenly found yourself being bombarded by a small group of In-Training Digimon, none of which could have been more than two feet tall.
"Wow… He's so big."
"Yeah, so? I bet I could take him down!"
"Hey, guys, easy now! The guy's just got here!" Guilmon requested, "Come on, go back to what you were doing, I want to show him around a bit." Almost immediately, all the little squirts ran off to do their own thing, which impressed you quite a bit. You were never good with children anyway. After one week of supervising a bunch of little brats at a summer camp to rake in extra cash, you promptly concluded that keeping them under control was impossible.
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 06 April 2016
Check out his house
“I’m never going back. Never had I seen little kids weaponize poison ivy like they did.” You shuddered. Pushing those dreadful thoughts to the back of your mind, Guilmon continued to lead you through the village, pointing out each hut and naming who resided in each. As you two reached the other end, you asked, “I’m guessing you run this place?”
Guilmon smiled and gestured to a hut that was nearby. It was about a quarter larger than the norm, indicating he was at least seen a figure in this village. “Unofficially. Everyone looks to me, but I don’t consider myself anything special.” He placed a hand behind his head and chuckled sheepishly.
“I think I like this Guilmon better than that lost child.” You thought to yourself. Then again, your knowledge of the series was rather murky, so you thought your opinion amounted to little anyway.
“Come on. Let me show you it.” Dragged along by Guilmon, you went inside his hut. The main room had two windows and a fireplace. The furnishing were old but had a story to tell, so they had to be antiques with what looked like hand-carved workmanship in each area of the room melting into the beauty of the next with some delicate settees next to more heavy bookcases that mated with the walls that appeared to be actually used.
“Look to you? You sure people don’t donate stuff to you?” You quipped with a chuckle. While there was no competition in comparison to your home and room, for what it was worth, Guilmon’s hut was pretty nice.
Guilmon chuckled. “No. Would you believe most of this comes from scavenger-hunting and long trips I take every once in a while?”
“Not really.”
Guilmon laughed heartily, taking your dry humor at face value. “Well, that’s the case here.” He walked over to a door near the corner and opened it, revealing another room. Peeking in, you noticed it looked similar to yours at home. Minus all of the items. “Here, you can rest in here if you want.”
You walked in the spare bedroom and checked everything out. It would do for the time being. To be honest, rest was the last thing on your mind. You still wanted answers. You still wanted to go home.
“I’ll see if I can salvage some food. Have patience,” Guilmon said, leaving you be.
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 07 April 2016
You approached the bed and checked out the window. It was getting close to sunset. “Did that much time pass? It didn’t feel like it.” Then again, the Digital World was different from the real world, and you lost track of the passage of time the moment you were dumped here. With a heavy sigh, you plopped onto the bed, making sure not to crush your tail this time.
Not the softest of mattresses, but you expected as much. This was a village full of what you assumed to be a ragtag bunch of misfits, not an organized society. You stretched your body, the soreness of walking around gradually disappearing. “Phew… I needed this…” Laying down made you realize perhaps you were more tired and probably hungrier than you thought. Maybe this moment of rest would do some good. Couldn’t find answers with a tired mind and an empty stomach.
Glancing off to the side, you took note of a closet. In the crack, there was something hanging up. “Now, wait a moment,” you said, getting off the bed, “What’s a Digimon doing with clothes?” You went over and opened it completely. Sure enough, one whole article of clothing was on a hanger. Curiously, you removed it and spread it out in front of you. You recognized the costume as a Greek Sphinx meant to be worn as a human. “That’s… odd. What’s Guilmon doing with this?”
You briefly considered putting it on to try it out but ultimately decided against it. You stored the Sphinx costume back into the closet and returned to bed. Last night, you were just an ordinary person getting through life like anyone else. Now, you were a Renamon in the Digital world in a mysterious forest, joining forces with other Digimon who seemed oblivious to your plight. “Who knew a life could change so dramatically?” You mumbled to yourself, “I hope I manage to get out of this somehow without losing my sanity.”
You stared out my window at the twilight until sleep finally overtook you, knowing Guilmon would wake you up when the food was ready.
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 08 April 2016